Favourite Beers


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Im very found of Danish Carlsberg Hof(perfect with steak), Irish Kilkenny(anytime at the pub), Italian Peroni(hot summerdays and together with Italian food), Austrian Stiegl, Irish Guniess(asl at the pub), Samuel Adams Honey Porter(with julmat, christmas food) and British Spitfire.

The worst beer of the world that is known to man is Swedish Pripps and Estonian Saku.

Janne Nilsson
OH now,
Not about favorite beers. I'm a fan off all belgian beers. There is a pub in Brugge who serves only 300 (yes, threehundred) belgian beers.
So, what is my favorite,,, i really like the Westmalle Dubble. Westmalle Triple,
i like, Duvel, I like, Geuze, I like Hoegaarden white..
So don't start that please

Being Belgian, I have to be chauvinistic about this topic... :)
And having a lot of my roots firmly stuck in the rich soil of the beautiful Pajottenland, I just have to prefer all kinds of artisanally brewed Gueuze and Kriek.
Kwak, Hoegaarden, haven't found a Belgian beer I didn't like....
Trumphator, Salvator, German doppelbocks.. Paulaner, Spaten, proper Lowenbrau... hey we just missed Octoberfest....
Old Peculiar, hobgoblin and poachers

Melanie hic
I'm with Melanie's choices, pretty much fond of all Belgian beers particularly like Catillon a small brewery in Brussels (visit if you get the chance) To the Bavarian list I'd add Hacker Pshorr Weissbeir a great session beer. Two new beers i tried this year in Murnau near munich, Griesbrau (a brewery you can stay in...great) and Karg.....both verry good.
As to UK, it's getting better all the time as new wicros start up and operate on a more professional basis too many to mention. Good scottish session beer is the mass produced but excellent Deuchars IPA. Drank some excellent Greene King in Folkestone at Euro...........off for a couple of glasses of Leffe now...
Dont really drink that much but recentley I have got into drinking Crabbies alchoholic ginger beer, very sweet and adictive:p

Nelson's Blood!

One of the best beers that'll ever pass your lips!

Brewed at Chatham dockyard, birthplace of HMS Victory.


My best man bought along a barrel (72 pints!) to my wedding reception....didn't last long I tell thee!

Down the road in Faversham is the Shepherd Neame brewery, where they have such delights as 'Spitfire' ale, where they ran one of the funniest (if controversial) advertising campaigns:

'Downed all over Kent.....just like the Luftwaffe!'

'Get blitzed!'

'No Nazi aftertaste!'

'Goring Goring Gone!'

Apologies to my European cousins, it's cheap popularist humor, but have a look anyway...


Very partial to my local microbrewery - "Upstream Brewing Company" and its' Capital Pale Ale or Flagship IPA, or maybe a black and tan of the IPA and a very sudsy dark ale that they don't mention on their web site. If you're ever in Omaha, I'll buy a round. Cheers!


If I have to drink bottled, I like Warsteiner - a hoppy German import lager.

All the best,
When I was stationed in Germany I used to drink my favorite beer in all the world, Maisel's Weisse! I have not drank in some time but would LOVE one of those now!!
As an Australian, I'm partial to an ice cold Victoria Bitter or VB, served in a frosted glass. As a citizen of the world, I love a good Carlsberg, Corona, Guiness and some of the more peculiar local ales in England. One of my favourites is the "Whitby Wobble" which is brewed in North Yorkshire. It lives up to its name.
I'm with Melanie's choices, pretty much fond of all Belgian beers particularly like Catillon a small brewery in Brussels (visit if you get the chance)

It's Cantillon ;) one of the last artisanal breweries of Gueuze and Kriek. I think you can also get Lambic there (= gueuze in it's first fermentation, tastes better and is much superior than cider and is an ideal thirst quencher at barbecues)

... ah, you make me become lyrical :)
I have been severely admonished by my other half....
I forgot to mention he brews his own beer which is based upon Old Peculiar, but even better imo. Yum. He also makes this Christmas Ale which is divine although you can't walk after 2 pints....Strong stuff...

In Denmark I had one too many Elephant beers, and everything is still a haze. In the UK any of the local micro breweries are well worth giving a try.
Franziskaner Hefeweizen, just like the Pope drinks!

In the winter, I also like to have a good Doppelbock on hand, Salvator, when I can get it, usually have to settle for Optimator (Spaten has done an excellent job of exporting their beers to the US). But the monks on the Holy Mount at Andechs brew the best double bock of all.

And otherwise, I prefer good Munich lagers, when I can get them. I like the maltier, sweeter beers, as opposed to ales.

I'll take a good stout, too, but I much prefer brewers who cleave to the Purity Law. Corn malt gives me a headache, even after one glass, so I have to avoid our beloved Yuengling.
