Figure Painting Information


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Active Member
Jun 4, 2006
Hi All,

I am a complete beginner to figure painting and have only recently found Planet Figure.
Spent the entire weekend in the painting section, started at page 1 but only reached page 21.
It will take some time as I do not know how many pages to go but I am sure that everything I need to know is in there somewhere. Nothing to do with groundwork yet,am really struggling on this subject.

Thank you to all who operate PF and to all the members who take the time to share their knowledge. You guys are doing a fantastic job. I can make lots of improvements now.

Is there any way all the tutorial information could be listed in its own section under various headings to enable quicker access to the information required? ie tutorials - into painting - into metallics or what is dry brushing etc.
Maybe if all the headings were installed members could enter any helpful information under the appropriate heading directly into the tutorials.
It would certainly prevent the same question being asked twice and would eventually build up to a fully comprehensive figure painting library.

Once again thank you all for your help. Dave - London.
Wellcome to the madness Dave!
Try the Stephen Malia tutorial link any any of Guy's postings. It is really good and ought to help. Other than that, simply ask anybody on here and you'll find people glad to help.
As I have said before, being a total beginner in this hobby can be really intimidating, especially as it's all too easy to compare your own efforts to some really class modellers out there. But everyone started somewhere...and I always consider that I'm still learning myself. ;)
David, as Anthony just told you I have prepared for the Elgreco website a painting tutorial. It goes step by step and is intended for beginners. There's only part one online and part two will follow shortly. In fact the second part will deal with the painting of a face. I think you would find it very useful. You can see it at

I hope that helps

Stephen Mallia
Hi Dave, I well remember what it was like not knowing what even basic terms were when I started out but the good thing about the present day and being online is the ease with which you can look for things; just a quick search in Google will give you a lot of relevant information and many of the links will be for sites that include small glossaries of common painting/modelling terms. Some examples:

Some things are harder to find out this way so you have to pick them up as you're going but that's inevitable with any subject.

Originally posted by Kentbirder+Jun 5 2006, 03:39 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kentbirder @ Jun 5 2006, 03:39 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Spent the entire weekend in the painting section, started at page 1 but only reached page 21.
It will take some time as I do not know how many pages to go but I am sure that everything I need to know is in there somewhere. Nothing to do with groundwork yet,am really struggling on this subject. [/b]

If you have specific topics/words you want to look I'd recommend you search instead of trying to find it by trawling through the entire archive of past threads in a discussion forum like this, it's far more efficient.

@Jun 5 2006, 03:39 PM
Is there any way all the tutorial information could be listed in its own section under various headings to enable quicker access to the information required? ie tutorials - into painting - into metallics or what is dry brushing etc. [/quote]
How-to information can be present in almost any thread (often they're the answers to the initial post, not the starting post) as well as many of the vBench entries so there isn't really any way of putting all of this type of info into a single place.

In case you don't know the site already you might find the articles on CoolMiniOrNot useful. It's a fantasy-mini site but many of the terms and techniques are common to historical modelling:

And a couple more how-to pages:

Thank you for all your comments. Followed your advice - found the tutorial.
Guy will there be a part 3?
