Figurines Mag done


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Feb 1, 2004
I see on FB a note from Le Briquet that publisher Histoire and Collections is in Liquidation and Figurines Magazine is no more. Seems credible. Too bad. I will miss their books more than the mag.
Blimey that's a real shame I have them all if H&C are gone then there will be no more of the reference books either unless someone else takes its on

Sad, Sad, news indeed.

I think sites like Pinterest are ruining the reference book trade, just about all of the H&C illustrations and schematics are on the site plus just about any artist you care to name-there just doesn't seem any copyright legislation to prevent this type of internet fraud........To my mind it ranks with recasting.
I heard about this a little while back, but hoped it was only a rumour. sad day.

I think sites like Pinterest are ruining the reference book trade, just about all of the H&C illustrations and schematics are on the site plus just about any artist you care to name-there just doesn't seem any copyright legislation to prevent this type of internet fraud........To my mind it ranks with recasting.

Yeah and the sad irony is that the people wearing their clicking fingers to the bone by downloading all that stuff from Pinterest will also be crying and moaning over there being no more H&C books, without understanding that they're part of the reason why.

- Steve
I will miss the excellent H&C books, much less the magazine though my subscription ran for three more issues. Lately the magazine was running way behind the facts, being a quarterly and only bringing show reports and the newest figures, without very little original input such as in-depth studies or interviews with leading modelers or manufacturers. Oddly, they enticed readers to subscribe even in issue 113! Frankly, being a subscriber from issue 1 onwards, I felt the editorial work becoming slapdash over the last years, with lots of misspelling in non-French names and so on. The internet has us accustomed to razor sharp pictures of shows and new models, delivered whilst the show is taking place or the model is still in the making, the Figurines team apparently didn't grasp that and missed the boat! For good research and decent documentation focussed on the French armies join Le Briquet, they produce a very decent quarterly!
According to Ludovic Letrun,one of the authors of the ongoing series of H&C books on uniforms, also available in English, Histoire & Collections abandons its book department entirely without any concerns about a takeover or copyright/author's rights. So unless some miracle happens another fine series of publications will stop here and now, quite a bleak perspective indeed. The laws of economics being a dark mystery to me, I wonder however what was the involvement/ interest of the people running this show in the work of the authors working for them? Researching and writing books on uniforms seems a bit more painstaking than dashing out an umpteenth volume of Harry Potter to me...
"...Histoire & Collections abandons its book department entirely without any concerns about a takeover or copyright/author's rights."

Incredible! Apparently throwing away their trademark also. I'll never understand business economics. Who knows...maybe this had nothing to do with finance. ??

Damn shame.:grumpy:

All the best,
H&C know the why's and where fore's that led to their ultimate decision even it we don't understand. Unfortunately there will be a void for us as a result.

I have a buddy of mine that is a military history book dealer. Times are such that he no longer gets in any new books to sell. Quite simply people are not buying.

This has progressively gotten worse and worse over the past few years. He still has thousands of books but mostly used as he has purchased collections. He also has military fiction and murder mysteries, many hundreds of these as paper backs. I received an email from him late last week where he announced that if anyone is interested he is going to place hundreds of the fiction books on tables and people are free to come and get what they want. If not they are going to the dumpster!

A sign of the times I reckon.

A real loss to the hobby as a whole, as not only figure painters like us read Figurines and bought their great books, but the armor and aircraft people also lose as Wingmasters and Steelmasters magazines, along with the neat books they publish on these genres are also gone. Sad indeed, now is there any figure related magazine on the market? I can't think of one....

I assume that A&C Libraire in Paris will also close, or is this a stand alone entity?
Sad news indeed but the Facebook site indicates a restructuring of the business and that books will again become available. I hope they publish volume 3 of the dragoons at least.

Also a good comment earlier about the books being available on Pininterest and why copyright exists.

