Marc, I don't agree with you re not bringing any figures to Euro
!!! Bring some, and expose/show them so you'll get a spot on scrutiny/judgement from whoever you might ask for further advice..........
Well i should ask somebody to bring my figures back ,because i just go for one day.
We were all there my friend (if this will give you some consolation, i'm still there as I have never skipped the bronze age barrier since 1996, so this will be my 13th year aiming for something higher over there
) but what the heck, it never was/won't be the end of the world if I fail again this year, so no one should be shy to show his work
I want no medals or stuff like that. Just showing my figures to the world is enough. Showing them at Euro is difficult. When i see all the painted figures there i can only hope that i get to the half of that level. My figures will bring the average level of the figures down
Re coming to Holland is not such a bad idea after all......lovely girls
Yes we have. But so far as i know i can only look to them and enoy that, and i think if i look at my left that would be it for the rest of my old days
Keep safe and looking forward to meet after both being there in several years and never have met
I agree, we should meet again (when you showed the figure in your avatar at Euro we met and have a little small talk)...let us say, saturday afternoon 14:00 hours Europe time at the bar with a Murphy's red.