Hi Guy,
I really appreciate your post, thx a lot.
I do not have professional material to take good pics.
I only use my painting lights and desk as photo lab
I also use the back of my knives blue plastic box when I take my wip pics. And a big black book for the final painted figs. And then I use photoshop (recently, but until then Luca used to do it for me) for the backgrounds.
I will take some pics of the way I take picsand my wild pics labo
, and i'll post them.
I will also take good and normal pics to show you the difference between them on the same sample figure.
So you 'll see all the diference. And you'll see how a good pic can show the painting work (and also the mistakes of course).
Of course its not our principal interest. We prefer paint.....
Of course pics will never remplace the real figs.....
But this PF forum is a wonderfull toy. We can share our hobby all around the world, with no frontiers.
We share our painting tips. I'm happy that some of you (Guy and surely some others) downloaded some of my pics.
It means that I did not take some times to try to take some good pics for nothing.
You take some inspiration of my work, that's good.
I'm sure I can take also some inspiration of your work, and from others.
My tips for taking good pics are only for having beautifull pics of your work posted here.
My camera is an old one (less than 3.2 mega pixels). There is lots of better cameras now.....And I also dont want to spend lots of money on this
PS : When I meant "Details" I did not mean hair, grass, hand....
But painting details, like highlight ands shadows, transitions colors mixs, blendings.....