Afternoon all.
Here's a question to tickle any Napoleonic fan I'm currently working on the RP model of a French Dromedary cavalryman (Very nice it is too) I've trawled through my references and t'internet and found several plates which are of great help, but I'm struggling with a detail of the headgear.
The kit comes with a classic cavalry shako and cords and I've found an plate showing this uniform, but most seem to show what appears to be a 'padded' shako with vertical 'pleats' and no cords. This is a new one on me and since I'm already making a couple of changes to the figure I'd like to represent this unusual style of headgear - does anyone have further information about it?
I've attached a couple of images
Here's a question to tickle any Napoleonic fan I'm currently working on the RP model of a French Dromedary cavalryman (Very nice it is too) I've trawled through my references and t'internet and found several plates which are of great help, but I'm struggling with a detail of the headgear.
The kit comes with a classic cavalry shako and cords and I've found an plate showing this uniform, but most seem to show what appears to be a 'padded' shako with vertical 'pleats' and no cords. This is a new one on me and since I'm already making a couple of changes to the figure I'd like to represent this unusual style of headgear - does anyone have further information about it?
I've attached a couple of images