Review French Napoleonic Carabinier from Dolman Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to everbody on PF ,

Ask anyone for the Napoleonic equivalent of a Tank and I have no doubt the answer will be heavy cavalry , armoured in Cuirass and helmet on heavy horses , the ground shaking as the regiments charged forward in the name of the Emperor and the glory of France .

One of the most famous is the brass clad Carabinier of Napoleons cavalry and that is what we have from Dolman Miniatures .
Dolman Carabinier 001.jpg
So lets have some background on these troops :​
After being disbanded in 1679, carabineers were reorganized in 1691 and distinguished themselves at Neerwinden in 1693. For their actions, King Louis XIV had them organized into the Carabiniers du Roi in November 1693, and thus one of the finest French cavalry branches was born. Mr. Pawly quickly skips over the carabiniers' distinguished career during the wars of 18th century to bring the reader to the French Revolution. In 1790, cavalry forces were organized and carabiniers received seniority over the rest of cavalry. They earned further laurels serving in the French revolutionary armies on the Rhine in 1792-1795 and a new generation of talented officers emerged. After the 18 Brumaire, Napoleon paid particular attention to this elite unit and appointed his brother Louis, future king of Holland as a colonel-general of the Corps of Carabiniers. On 2 December 1804, eight carabinier squadrons opened the parade preceding Napoleon's coronation in Notre Dame.
The carabinier service during Napoleon's famous march from the Atlantic coast to Ulm. Attached to General Nansouty's heavy cavalry division, the carabiniers were organized into two regiments under Colonels Antoine-Christophe Cochois and Pierre-Nicolas Morin and amounted to roughly 400 men each. Although they had seen no action in the first stage, the carabineer units participated in battles at Wertingen and Elchingen before engaging Archduke Ferdinand's Austrians corps and entering Vienna on 13 November.
They distinguished themselves at Austerlitz.together with exploits in Prussia in 1806 and Poland in 1807. They did not participate in the major battles of the campaign but took part in the pursuit and entered Berlin on 29 October 1806. The following year, they luckily escaped the savage battle of Eylau but fought at Ostrolenka and later Friedland. Describing the Friedland campaign, author uses Joseph Abbeel's memoirs which add certain flavor to the narrative. After Tilsit, the carabiniers were quartered at Hanover, where they were reinforced and received new German breed horses before the onset of another war. In 1809, they remained in Vienna during the battles of Aspern-Essling in May but fought at Wagram in 5-6 July.
Serving in General Montbrunn's 2nd Cavalry Corps, the carabiniers were organized into a brigade under General Chouard.
The opening of the campaign proved disastrous to the many thousands of horses and bad weather and lack of forage devastated the carabineer units. They had to find new mounts and often used smaller local horses; an illustration by Faber du Faur illustrates well what an outlandish sight it was to see tall and heavily armored carabiniers on these tiny horses, with their feet and sabers almost touching the ground.,some carabiniers could get no horses and had to follow the troops on foot; with no suitable shoes and in knee-high boots, they quickly exhausted themselves and fell behind. Probably the carabiniers' most memorable exploit occurred during the Battle of Borodino, where they stormed the Great Redoubt despite suffering heavy casualties. The retreat proved even more devastating and, after fighting under General Latour-Maubourg at Smolensk and Berezina, only some 200 men escape out of once valiant carabineer brigade; the 1st Regiment, numbering 941 men in July 1812, now had only 81 men.
In the 1813 Campaign in Germany. the French forces. The surviving carabiniers were reorganized but they never recovered; in July 1813, according to one source there were "only 122 men with 134 horses in the 1st Regt. and 140 men and 143 horses in the 2nd." Nevertheless, they were attached to General Sebastiani's cavalry and took part in the battles of the campaign. .
During the Hundred days, they rejoined Napoleon's army and formed a brigade in General Kellermann's 3rd Reserve Cavalry Corps serving with distinction at the battle of Waterloo alongside the cuirassiers.
The Regt has served France well and must have been an oh so impressive sight thundering forward on their horse image not forgot by many an infantryman in square as was the tank in WW1.
As always with Napoleonic subjects we have the luxury of original information as well as many books being also easily available here are a few:eek:f my favourites:
Continued in next post:
Lets begin the look around the release

Details are as follows:

Title: French Carabinier Napoleonic Wars

Scale: 1/12th

Material: Resin and White Metal

No of parts : 10 in total

Sculptor: P Szymczyk

Box Art: Eduardo Sanchez

As with all of Dolmans products they were held in bags surrounded by bubble wrap held in a clear fold over container.Parts ore of both Resin and White Metal , the resin being the torso , the arms (the right less hand) , the head with the white metal parts being the 2 hands (gauntlets) , these are right hand ones , a choice of one holding the sword or a pistol then we have the sword blade and the hand guard ,the helmet comb, there is also the mechanism for the pistol .
Dolman Carabinier 002.jpg
, we also have a coloured insert of the painted piece by Eduardo. Dolman Carabinier 001.jpg

We will first look at all the Resin parts and then deal with the White metal ones .

The Torso first , prep required included removing a casting plug from the underside and on the review sample a casting line from the back of the cuirass he wears ( the distinctive copper colour) , the neck area is clear of any excess ready to receive the head nicely , collar details are nicely done particularly the edging that comes out of the cuirass we also have the same at the bottom ....the edging blooming out in waves.
I would suggest you paint this first before fitting the head.
Dolman Carabinier 005.jpgDolman Carabinier 003.jpgDolman Carabinier 007.jpgDolman Carabinier 006.jpgDolman Carabinier 008.jpg
The Cuirass is packed full of fine details from the sunburst and star on the front to the sides showing rivetes that were present on the originals , his is even more on display on the retaining straps beautiful chain defintion across the shoulders and great lion ornaments as well at the waist and holding the back and front of the cuirass together we see a strap well defined , good undercuts and a nice touch being the end tucked under the end peeking through.
Dolman Carabinier 004.jpg
The Arms are next , the right in a position to receive either the gaunlet of your choice the arms thrust forward as in a charge, the left is in a position to hold the reins (these are shown on the box art but none are provided can use lead sheeting or how about the fine electrical tape)
Prep needed was on the right was simple removal of casting plugs from the top of the arm where it fits to the shoulder where fit is very clean, on the left the same plus a casting plug to remove from the elbow and a fine casting line to sand down on the lower arm underside running into the gauntlet, I would suggest that you also sand level the end of the right to receive the hand .....insert a pin is also a good idea.
Dolman Carabinier 009.jpgDolman Carabinier 010.jpgDolman Carabinier 011.jpgDolman Carabinier 012.jpg
The left gauntlet is well worked the fingers held tightly as if holding the reins of his powerful horse , fingers are well defined , good folds are shown on both arms .
For me the sculptor has done very well in reproducing the epaulettes on both arms not static but actually moving as he thunders forward ..careful painting will bring these out even more .

Now to the head , prep needed was just the removal of a casting plug on the underside of the neck once done fit into the torso was good.
Dolman Carabinier 015.jpgDolman Carabinier 013.jpgDolman Carabinier 016.jpgDolman Carabinier 014.jpg
The helmet is less the comb(more later) ,helmet details are very good nice work on the plate the crowned N with side decoration , the top of the helmet also has some nice work , great undercuts on the peak (allowing good access to the eyes) chin scales are held tightly to the face sides , each link being spot on where they meet under the chin a tiny and well sculpted bow (good casting as well is seen all over)
Dolman Carabinier 017.jpg

The face is a cracking piece of work very good eye details , wide open as is the mouth shouting no doubt "Vive L'Empereur" as he charges the mouth is also packed full of details the togue is there and the teeth as well great stuff surrounding it we have a moustache nicely worked as is the hair peeking out from the back of the helmet .

That the resin next we will look at the White metal

Continued in next post:

On now to the remaining pieces these are all in white metal

Firstly the right gauntlet , you have the choice of 2 to choose from ( good idea to have this option) one is holding a sword the other a pistol .
Prep on both was the sanding down of a small plug where it meets the rein arm( PIN it!!!) with a casting line to sand down as well , the one with the sword is good with the sword knot around the wrist , this is well details the fingers are gripping the handle tightly (the palms no doubt sweating!!)
Dolman Carabinier 018.jpgDolman Carabinier 019.jpg
The sword blade fits into a locating hole kindly provided but I would suggest redrilling to deepen it slightly.
The sword is a wicked piece of work super smooth and looks lethal even in this scale when in position it is very impressive, no prep was needed.
Dolman Carabinier 027.jpg
The hand guard will need to be fitted carefully , it is a lovely piece of work again showing nice details ...the grenade is worthy of note as are the individual bars all sweeping around to form the guard.
Dolman Carabinier 029.jpg
The other option is a hand holding a pistol this I like and its good to see this option , as with the other hand great details , same prep the fingers are gripping the pistol , details on this are very good indeed ......I would definately suggest you fit the cocking piece which amazingly is separate ...before you end up crawling about the floor I did!!! its a credit to both sculptor and caster the amount of detail in the pistol.
Dolman Carabinier 022.jpgDolman Carabinier 020.jpgDolman Carabinier 021.jpgDolman Carabinier 023.jpgDolman Carabinier 025.jpg
Finally we have the crowning glory of the helmet the comb this shows good surface details with the underside being worked so it fits to the helmet closely when in place its very impressive
Dolman Carabinier 026.jpgDolman Carabinier 024.jpg
Final thoughts:

This is a nice piece from Dolman ,well sculpted and presented as usual for some the choice of White Metal might seem odd in our resin world but Dolman have the knack of achieving really fine details in this material so all credit to them . Good idea to have the option of the sword or pistol.
They have also released a Cuirasier which I will be sharing with you fairly soon

For more details on this and others from Dolman go to their website (you will also find references to look at for all the releases).

Lets enjoy some of the Box Art :
Thanks to Dolman for the Review figure and to you all for looking in

Gtreat review Kevin
Well up to your usual high standard.
I have just spent today at Louis XIV's pad in Versailles looking at life size Battle Paintings upto and including The Napolionic era, so well enthused for this beauty.
Cheers Keith
Hi guys ,

Thanks for the comments

Debrito ,

I and others would I am sure be be interested in your thoughts and if you could elaborate on your post please the surface finish looked all ok for me

Thanks for looking in

Very informative review, as usual, Kevin.
I see the box-art shows the left hand holding the reins. I presume that element has been left to the individual modeller to add (?).

Very informative review, as usual, Kevin.
I see the box-art shows the left hand holding the reins. I presume that element has been left to the individual modeller to add (?).


Hi Andrew ,

That is correct ...I did mention this in the review suggesting electrical tape could be used .

Thanks for looking in

I thought it looked a poor finish also , and that mould line down the back in todays castings :eek:
The helmet also looks a bit small and the comb plume could be a lot better .

But as usual from your detail pics everyone can draw there own conclusions .

That is correct ...I did mention this in the review suggesting electrical tape could be used

Oops .... sorry about that Kev ... should've gone to Specsavers !!:(

Thank you
admit all criticism, positive and negative

The mold line on the picture looks great
is not as exaggerated (The torso has 3,4cm)
I put the mold line in that area
for easy removal
It is an area with no details

The life of a mold is little
The next cast will be on the side
In the mold of the Cuirassier
The line is on the sides
Kevin can put some pictures in fórum....................Cheers
Hi Guys ,

All comments are welcome by everyone as we can learn from any , the review comments are my personal thoughts with the sample I had and of course everyone is and should have their own opinion.

I will be reviewing a Cuirassier from Dolman soon
