Here, I too throw in my vote for some cast figures by Jason

Well, how about it, a little three figure vignette or something, or a 70mm Prussian infantryman in the same scale as the Derek Hansen figures?
Great sbs on how to sculpt a 54mm, and I'm looking for a way to "mark" this topic as "interesting" so that I can follow up day by day.... haven't found an option "mark this topic as interesting" so far, does it exist?
Good work Jason, reminds me somewhat of the sbs that was in the book by Bill Horan (how he sculpted a civil war figure in A&B and Duro), of course you're using another medium. You see, Jason, you definetely ARE progressing, I'm not kidding here, for a split second I DID think of Bill's book while looking at your pictures ... must be that you are doing some real good sculpting there!
Two things that are definetely improving compared to your older figures are the anatomy - your recent figures are more correctly proportioned I think, and also the way you handle folds in clothing is getting better and better.
Well, I
like your work....
Keep up the great work Jason