WIP French Soldiers. 1870-1871


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The finish of the figure is excellent, I like very much the idea of adding the fence. I guess you´ve thinked on it, but you can use pin heads to make the nails of the fence.
¡Muy bueno el recurso de los "palos de polo"!


¿No has usado palos de polo, verdad? Have you cut yourself the rounded shape of the fence sticks, right?
Thank you very much for your comments, guys!!

Hola Edorta. Los palos los recorto y doy forma con lija y cuchilla. Los clavos tengo que simularlos aun, seguramente con un fotograbado que simula distintos tipo de remaches.

Bats the way I cut and sanded and knife. I have to simulate nails even, possibly with a different type that simulates etched rivets.

Cheers, Robert.
Hola Roberto, stunning paint job, I love the blue color on the coat.
Waiting for the groundwork!!!