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When the main character is named "wardaddy" my hopes are sunk before buying a ticket.
I only discovered a few years back my dad had made the cannons used on the Charge of the Light Brigade film (apologies in advance for any innacurracies) when he did some film and tv effects work after leaving art college in the late 1960s. He gave me the little penguin book the props designer leant him during the job - The Destruction of Lord Raglan - and it's now a treasured possession with a very personal if tenuous connection to that film.Absolutely.
When they made the 1970's film The charge of the light brigade the direcotr insisted that all the Cavlry wore the same overalls as the 'cherry bums' did because they looked better than the grey overalls that were designed and provided.
This must've happened many times over across the industry.
I still don't get why the battlle of the Bulge, with american money, studio, actors etc was filmed in the summer on a plain.
There is no excuse for that.
The most accurate film I have seen for costume remains the duellists. Tremendous.
Yep that gets me every time - that and the North African battle scenes in Patton with the Germans driving US M60 tanks with no attempt to turn them into anything else. Both spoil great movies (a little).One thing that spoilt A Bridge to Far was when the Leopard was used to cross the bridge, surely with all the research carried out they could have found a better vehicle.
Hi Adrian - Yes they would be good to find but unfortunately never in my dads possesion and way before my time too so I never saw them. So not worth searching the loft!Mat
Fury is worth seeing.
Those Light Brigade Cannons would be a great find - if only they kept props - most likely trashed but wow! Worth a bit nowadays.
I'm looking forward to Fury... Any war movie suits me fine, just to get away from the comicbook superheros.
My only beef with the genre in general besides obvious inaccuracies (there's probably not many Tiger or Panzers kicking around in surplus yards, but with todays technology you'd think they could build a replica) is the Hollywood tendency to only depict American troops on screen. Apparantly there were NO British or Canadian troops involved in the Normandy campaign. As in Band of Brothers, the only time you saw Commonwealth troops were when the Yanks were bailing out trapped Brit paras... mind they did credit Canadian Engineers for supplying the dingies. Enemy at the Gates was a pleasant departure from the usual Ameri-centric war movie, if a little fantastic as well.
Probably one of the best "looking" war movies I've seen is one I don't know the title ofIt was German made, German language (with subtitles) made from the point of view of a common German soldier on the Eastern Front. Very graphic, and didn't pull any punches regarding the Slav-Teutonic hatred and the horrors of war on that front. I wish I knew what it was called... I saw it on TV at like 3am a few years back. Anyone have any ideas? Martin maybe?
Anyhow, I look forward to seeing Fury.
And in no way was I taking shots at my Yank neighbours... just Hollywood
.....One of the recent German releases (March 2013) was "Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter" (= Our mothers, our fathers) that described the experiences of five fictional friends during WW II - mainly at the Eastern front. Uniforms, general look of the actors and details were meticously researched and gave a realistic feeling throughout this three part-movie.
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Cheers, Martin