Gaelic Warrior 1st Cent


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The cloak is undercoated in Humbrol matt green, about 5 coats diluted in turps, this gives a nice smooth very matt undercoat.
The base colour is Terre Verte slightly thinned down with turps then painted on with a large flat brush, the brush is then cleaned a used again to brush most of the paint back off and whipping the brush at regular intervals to remove the paint, this gives a very transparent top layer.

The first shadow in the creases using indanthrene blue and blended into the top layer using a small flat brush working from the crease in an outward direction, I then use another small flat brush to stipple the edge of the blend into the base layer, this give a real good transition between the two colours. The second shadow I use lamp back and repeat the blending processes that I just mentioned but the black only blends out half the distance of the blue blend, using the flat blending brush again to blend the black into the blue.

The highlight is the base colour mixed with chrome orange and blended into the base colour leaving a small amount of the base colour between the dark blend and the light blend, using the flat brush again to blend the base colour into the first highlight colour, repeat the step again for the second highlight adding more chrome orange to the first highlight and blending in the same way, the third highlight is pure chrome orange blended in the same way, the whole thing is then placed in my warm box for 24 hours which gives it a very matt finish.

Hope this helps