Completed Gaul Chieftain 1st Cent,B.C


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John Belcher

A Fixture
Mar 10, 2005
Christchurch. New Zealand
Hi guys, I have recently been working on this excellent 75mm Pegaso figure of a Gaul Chieftain from the 1st Century B.C. I painted him in Vallejo and Andrea acrylics. Hope you like how he turned out.
DSC08277 (600x800).jpg
Gaul 2 (600x800).jpg
Gaul 4 (600x800).jpg
Gaul 5 (600x800).jpg
IMG_4419 (600x800).jpg
IMG_4493 (600x800).jpg
IMG_4703 (600x800).jpg
IMG_5155 (600x800).jpg
Perfection in miniature John. The best version I've seen of this piece.

I recently added this one to the stash, it's a lovely figure. And I shall now add these photos to my reference files and use them as a source of inspiration / feelings of inadequacy when I come to paint mine! :notworthy: :notworthy:

- Steve
Hey John, that's a big wow from me...........W. O. W. ;)

lovely in all aspects, colour choices, paint application,
shading and highlighting, groundwork, everything is top drawer.

Perfection in miniature John. The best version I've seen of this piece.

I recently added this one to the stash, it's a lovely figure. And I shall now add these photos to my reference files and use them as a source of inspiration / feelings of inadequacy when I come to paint mine! :notworthy: :notworthy:

- Steve
Thank you Steve, appreciate your words. Glad you like him. Fun figure to paint. I'm sure you will do a great job of him when you paint your one.