PlanetFigure Supporter
Hi Simon,
everything well done, I like the wood effect on the rifle (I'm never satisfied when I paint wood ...).
But ... how can you guys make so many, nice models?I'm struggling with my three pieces since ... so much time!
Wait for new wip!
Hi eppi, for me it is a case of being disabled and not working, gives me time on my hands and I find it relaxing so I do as much as I can.
As for the rifle, it's a case of slowly does it, a good brush and lightly diluted contrasting colours. Then redo it with a more diluted slightly different colour. Build this up over 3 to 4 colours on a brown base and stop. Revisit in your next session to see if you need to add anything. I find long bristled script brushes to be very useful for this. Hope that helps but remember above everything else the secret is practice, practice and more practice. Oh and even more importantly, enjoy it.
Cheers Simon