Finished this guy at last.
Wasn't sure about the front of the base so I treated all it with Vallejo's texture stuff. I'm not sure if it would look better washed with some browns or even have snow on it instead of plain black. let me know your thoughts.
I like the black texture you used for the base. Very nice paintwork all around. I'm still trying to find this guy on e-bay but still no luck. He's always been one of my favorites!
I painted the face first ages ago and then recently realised he did not have a strap. I made one before for a figure, but it was a real struggle with my complete lack of sculpting talent. I might in the future just make them and have them hanging loose. To be honest my dad died about a week ago and I just wanted the figure finished so wasn't really in the right frame of mind to go the extra mile just yet.
Thanks all for positive feedback and thank god I don't have to do anything extra to the base. Lol