Hello, Dave!
I hope this answer is not arriving too late.
The Werwolf figure is well-known Verlinden figure of a Hitlerjugend Oberscharfuhrer, dressed in a very dark blue (often erroneously represented as black) winter HJ uniform. The field cap has 3cm HJ red and white diamond insignia with swastika in the middle. The shoulder boards, should be black with red piping and silver/aluminum pips and a white cross-stripe. 1936 pattern lanyard on his left shoulder should be light to medium green color, which also denotes the rank of HJ-Oberscharfuhrer. District sleeve triangle should be black with golden-yellow border stripes near the outside edges. There is also the HJ armband on his left arm which should have red and white stripes and the 45 degree angled swastika in the middle. 1937 pattern belt is black, with aluminum/steel HJ buckle, but as far as I know there is no photo etched HJ buckle to replace it with. HJ knife had a black scabbard and steel hilt with black bakelite grips. Boots were black or brown.
The best option would be to get the Hudson & Allen HA9801 WWII German Defense of Berlin & Panzerfaust decals, as they have HJ uniform and PzFaust decals as well.
Hope this helps, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.