Germans not welcome at the World Expo in Girona ???


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Tell you what, Cousins. The twentieth annual Historical Miniature Society of Northeastern Oklahoma (USA) historical miniature and model exposition will take place in Tulsa Oklahoma on 20 June 2008. YOU ARE ALL WELCOME. You are all brilliant miniaturists and we welcome anyone who is so inclined; you are equally welcome if you are a collector, a novice, or just vaguely interested. We have cowboys, Native Americans (!), Buffalo Soldiers, real buffalo, museums both historical and art, beautiful countryside and huge doses of Oklahoma hospitality for each and every one of our relations from across the water. ANY water, in any direction. We are completely "New World" and as such recognize the contributions our friends and relations from all over the world can offer our modest show. Y'all come on down, hear?! Info on the Tulsa show is available on PF. THANKS!
Re Germans Not Welcome?

Hi Guys

Just want to give my tuppence worth on this thread!

Modelling is a hobby! Competitions, Shows and Displays are part of that hobby but most important are the ties and friendships that form worldwide when we attend these exhibitions. Whatever you think about individual shows or the way they are judged or might be judged you still have a choice to not attend any particular show!

Instead of attacking in an open Forum we should be supporting any group of modellers who are going to the bother of running any show, never mind a World Expo. Having been involved in a few shows I know the pressure of organisation and on personal time!

So lets all put our differences behind us and make this the best W.E. so far by giving our support.

John Schley
Girona WE2008: Official Answer From El Baluard-Girona

From the WE Organizing Committee Girona 2008 to Mr. Bruno Schmäling, Mr. Carsten Abel, Mr. Michel Seitz, Mr. Conrad Schulte and Mr. Markus Eckmann:

With astonishment we have read on the internet Forums your letter. Let us say that we are really surprised about the way you express value judgements concerning us and our work on the WE2008 because we have never meet each other and you don’t have idea how things are going on for the next WE2008.
Find below our official answer without intention of controversy, arguing or future dispute:

FIRST: El Baluard has not received any complaining e-mail from the gentlemen that sign this letter. We are answering all the e-mails, one by one, that we receive. The direction to contact us is: or by regular mail to Plaça del Vi 8, 17004 Girona, ESPAÑA.

SECOND: we had news coming from Mr. Bill Horan about your being upset. We answered him immediately explaining the criteria we used when electing the juries. We don’t understand the word “discriminative”: In the BOD (Board of Directors) of El Baluard, there is a member with German passport, married with a lady from Girona, extraordinary collaborator he and his family. To whom it may not know, we tried to create teams of people very well-known by us, with a common criteria but using different pictorial techniques and of course, without any discrimination of language, nationality or race. In our web page ( you can find the juries that will mark the Historical category a part of collaborating in organizational tasks.

THIRD: The only category that has the Juries completed is the Historical; the others, Fantasy and Military vehicles and Dioramas are not completed (for the last one we haven’t published any name yet) but there will be German modellers among them (none of the letter’s signees that we are referring to). We are finishing these teams for these categories and we will announce them very soon (we are waiting for the final confirmations of some of them)

FORTH: Many partners of El Baluard have participated in the Ingolstadt and Kulmbach Shows, having a great time there because of the show, the people and the atmosphere. Resides this, we announce that some members of the Organizer Committee of the WE2008 (10 persons, five of them from the BDO of El Baluard) will be in Kulmbach to give information to all the German modellers that wish. There we can discuss any point of this letter or the one we are answering.

FIFTH: El Baluard will celebrate this year 2007 the XXVII Exposición Internacional Soldat de Plom, where we have been very lucky to have hundreds of European collectors, some of them assiduous to our Contest and to our city. We haven’t had the pleasure to know the persons that are signing the referred letter, but we are convinced that, if you knew Girona and the members of El Baluard, you wouldn’t write what you wrote.
Girona is a city with a history of more than two thousand years that, because of its strategic situation has suffered thirty-two sieges. It’s a land with an strong European vocation and in the year 785 was part of the Carolingian Imperium. The Girona area welcomes every year more than six million tourist, being the people here a model of hospitality.

SIXTH: At the end of August, all the final list of juries, people making masterclasses, lectures, workshops,… will be announced. The will be collaborators of ten different nationalities and, as you may understand, there will be a lot of countries that will not have any representative on that lists. We are lucky to count on more than sixty persons that will collaborate with that organization but we have a list of more than six hundred that would deserve, because of their prestige and enthusiasm, to be there. But we have chosen the ones that are in our web, following an strict criteria in order to make a god job and as FAIR as possible. We believe that all together have to direct our efforts in the same direction, and try to support this hobby.

SEVENTH: We think it will be a great idea that you present a team in order to participate and compete in the WORLD NATIONS TROPHY 2008 that, as you may know, will be held in Girona during the WE2008 the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th of July 2008. You will be very welcomed.

EIGHTH: We repeat again that we are at the disposal of all modellers that need any information, and particularly to the German collectors that will be present in Kulmbach. We will have the official presentation of the second WE2008 magazine and some great news concerning the WE2008.

Plaça del Vi 8
17004 Girona
... and in Gerona ... Guess, after 1.600 kms we will find a bodega.

Of it you can be sure, my dear friend :D

So, a small group of modellers here in my garden, all associated with the "Foundation of beer lovers" will have some Cheers on you tonight.

What chance!. I also am a great "beer lover". That seems to you if we organize a private competition in Girona? The Spanish will drink German beer and the Germans will drink Spanish "sangría"... (red wine with a touch of lemonade and little pieces of fruit);) Better yet, we all will drink from everything :p

From the WE Organizing Committee Girona 2008 to Mr. Bruno Schmäling, Mr. Carsten Abel, Mr. Michel Seitz, Mr. Conrad Schulte and Mr. Markus Eckmann:

With astonishment we have read on the internet Forums your letter. Let us say that we are really surprised about the way you express value judgements concerning us and our work on the WE2008 because we have never meet each other and you don’t have idea how things are going on for the next WE2008.
Find below our official answer without intention of controversy, arguing or future dispute:

FIRST: El Baluard has not received any complaining e-mail from the gentlemen that sign this letter. We are answering all the e-mails, one by one, that we receive. The direction to contact us is: or by regular mail to Plaça del Vi 8, 17004 Girona, ESPAÑA.

SECOND: we had news coming from Mr. Bill Horan about your being upset. We answered him immediately explaining the criteria we used when electing the juries. We don’t understand the word “discriminative”: In the BOD (Board of Directors) of El Baluard, there is a member with German passport, married with a lady from Girona, extraordinary collaborator he and his family. To whom it may not know, we tried to create teams of people very well-known by us, with a common criteria but using different pictorial techniques and of course, without any discrimination of language, nationality or race. In our web page ( you can find the juries that will mark the Historical category a part of collaborating in organizational tasks.

THIRD: The only category that has the Juries completed is the Historical; the others, Fantasy and Military vehicles and Dioramas are not completed (for the last one we haven’t published any name yet) but there will be German modellers among them (none of the letter’s signees that we are referring to). We are finishing these teams for these categories and we will announce them very soon (we are waiting for the final confirmations of some of them)

FORTH: Many partners of El Baluard have participated in the Ingolstadt and Kulmbach Shows, having a great time there because of the show, the people and the atmosphere. Resides this, we announce that some members of the Organizer Committee of the WE2008 (10 persons, five of them from the BDO of El Baluard) will be in Kulmbach to give information to all the German modellers that wish. There we can discuss any point of this letter or the one we are answering.

FIFTH: El Baluard will celebrate this year 2007 the XXVII Exposición Internacional Soldat de Plom, where we have been very lucky to have hundreds of European collectors, some of them assiduous to our Contest and to our city. We haven’t had the pleasure to know the persons that are signing the referred letter, but we are convinced that, if you knew Girona and the members of El Baluard, you wouldn’t write what you wrote.
Girona is a city with a history of more than two thousand years that, because of its strategic situation has suffered thirty-two sieges. It’s a land with an strong European vocation and in the year 785 was part of the Carolingian Imperium. The Girona area welcomes every year more than six million tourist, being the people here a model of hospitality.

SIXTH: At the end of August, all the final list of juries, people making masterclasses, lectures, workshops,… will be announced. The will be collaborators of ten different nationalities and, as you may understand, there will be a lot of countries that will not have any representative on that lists. We are lucky to count on more than sixty persons that will collaborate with that organization but we have a list of more than six hundred that would deserve, because of their prestige and enthusiasm, to be there. But we have chosen the ones that are in our web, following an strict criteria in order to make a god job and as FAIR as possible. We believe that all together have to direct our efforts in the same direction, and try to support this hobby.

SEVENTH: We think it will be a great idea that you present a team in order to participate and compete in the WORLD NATIONS TROPHY 2008 that, as you may know, will be held in Girona during the WE2008 the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th of July 2008. You will be very welcomed.

EIGHTH: We repeat again that we are at the disposal of all modellers that need any information, and particularly to the German collectors that will be present in Kulmbach. We will have the official presentation of the second WE2008 magazine and some great news concerning the WE2008.

Plaça del Vi 8
17004 Girona

I believe that after these words exists little more that to say, it is not true?


I send a message via Planet figurien to Josep. As after 2 weeks I dont got an answer, I send a letter to Shep Pain. He send a letter to the Spanisch Organiser. After some days Shep got the follwing letter from the Spanish organiser:

Dear all,

Just a brief comment about this issue (this is the official point of view, after discussing it this Monday with our BOD)

The last 5-6 years El Baluard has gone to Kulmbach and not less times to Ingolstadt. During these years, we haven't had any German modeler in Girona so we haven't had to opportunity to know them. Of course, this is not a reproach but we (me and Jesus) are always following the same "rules" when deciding who will be on he jury: We have to know them well and if possible, have them being "tested" as a jury in Girona or have coincided with them in other contests as a jury. We are very sorry if we can not please everyone but there are just a few modelers that are exceptions to the rules above, and it's because there is some field where we are not experts, as the armor class (but we trust in our team that has suggested some names).

On the other hand, there are a lot of countries that will not have representation, as Portugal, Mexico, Chile, Holland, ... because of the same reason. Furthermore, the judge's team was closed some months ago.

Bill, you (and they) should understand that. We cannot make happy everyone and we would like to be as much professional as we can.

Regards my friend!


The letter prove, that there had been several weeks, the Spanish organiser had send a letter to Sehp Pain to agree with a German Judge or to go in contact with us and all the problems would have not appeard.

Best regards

I have to say that for me, you have lost all respect, showing private letters in a public forum.

As Josep wrote in that letter, the reason for not inviting you is very clear so stop removing the $h!t and go cry to other place because this is getting more ridiculous than it was at the beginning.

Good luck!
I see that the letter of Sepherd Paine have dissapeared now of the Bruno´s message.
I don´t know where Bruno can read anything about an agreement abot german judges.
What this message prove is:

1- That this man have been annoying a lot of people wit his pleas and presonal issues.
2-That he doesn´t understand that the private messages are P-R-I-V-A-T-E and to show them in a public forum is, at least, a big lack of good manners if not something worst.
3-That he is ashaming a lot of german modellers with his behaviour.

Let´s hope that the harm done to our hobby be slight and we could celebrate a good figurine show with people from everywhere.
Dear Mr. Bruno Schmäling,

This will be our last post for this topic, we don't want to argue and we need to spend time working for the WE2008, not answering mails.

1.-The way to contact us is directly to us, not via forums. Besides working for the WE all of us have different things to do and some of us are travelling most of the time (me more than 70% of my time), so we don't have time to check all the forums. (today I have relized, reading your e-mail, that you send the private message to this forum, 29/05/07...)

2.- We meet some german colleagues in Greece, on May; may be there was the time to discuss this issue, right?

3.- The e-mail you are publishing here is a private e-mail answering a previous mail explaining us your uneasiness, from Mr. Bill Horan, not Sheper (Bill, I'm sorry your name appears here). I guess that, after answering (from my company private e-mail) to Mr. Horan, who with Sheper Paine, are members of the World Model Soldier Federation, he redirected the mail to you. No problem, it's our official position. After that, you had my private e-mail so you could contact directly to me and you didn't. This e-mail says the same I posted yesterday, exactly the same. There has not been any change in our position and I repeat, I/we haven't had any mail from you.

4.- Again, the jury list is not closed yet (It's closed just for the Historical Category). The will be other countries in the Armor category, even a German one but not for making you happy (this was a decision made some months ago, but it's not official and I don't have the confirmation, so I don't want to publish anything yet).

5.- I will be in Kulmback. Please, let's continue this discussion there; this situation in making me, the Baluard and other modelists very unpleasent. I will be very happy to explain you and all the other who wish the way we select the jury and any other question you have.

Please, let end this discussion here. Best regards.

Josep Pelegrín
President of El Baluard
Dear Josep,

I can accept your letter and I'm open for a personal talk, outside of the Forum. As I'm not in Kulmbach, because in this time I mad hollidays, please send me your phone number in a privat mail and I will contact you.

The signer of this letter have started a discussion, why Germans are not invited in the jury of the World Expo.
I think it is a basic of an free and democratic society as we are in Europe to point on problems when people don't feel treated in a correct way.

But this discussion had turned by some - NOT ALL!!! - in a a personal campain against my person. This is not a way to discuss problems or to finde soultions.

For this reason I will not continue this discussion in the Planet Figure Forum

Best regards from Germany

Dear Josep,

as we cannot meet personally at Kulbach, I would like to invite you and another member of your figurine club to our International Figurine Show "Herzog von Bayern" "Duke of Bavaria" from 18.04.2007 - 20.04.2007.

We will pay a double room for you for 4 days and we would be pleased to be in our Jury.

Perhapes a good way to solve the problems.

Best regards from Germany


("Never say never again", so I have again a message in Planet Figurine.)
I live in Germany and must say that I have spoken with a lot of modellers about this topic including Michael Volquarts (who was recieving gold medals years ago at International shows,without the aid of German judges) and I must stress that Mr. Schmaelling certainly does NOT speak for the majority of German modellers !!!!!!
His racist and arrogent remarks have shocked and embarressed lots of us and I hope that the Spanish modellers forgive us for HIS DUMB REMARKS and lack of respect in making private mails public.
I feel that this person was dissapointed at not getting a free trip and hotel in Spain and that is the main reason for his EGO-TRIP !!!!
Peter Shaw
Gentelmen, let's stop beating a dead horse to death.

Joseph, thank you very much for your letter of clarification , you are too kind.

Forgiven- forgotten

I live in Germany and must say that I have spoken with a lot of modellers about this topic including Michael Volquarts (who was recieving gold medals years ago at International shows,without the aid of German judges) and I must stress that Mr. Schmaelling certainly does NOT speak for the majority of German modellers !!!!!!
His racist and arrogent remarks have shocked and embarressed lots of us and I hope that the Spanish modellers forgive us for HIS DUMB REMARKS and lack of respect in making private mails public.
I feel that this person was dissapointed at not getting a free trip and hotel in Spain and that is the main reason for his EGO-TRIP !!!!
Peter Shaw

Thats true- its a mirrow for bad edjucation and we have two mental camp distinguished and rigidicular and dump.
Who get the success in this process?
So I hope like you Dear Peter, that the spanish will kindly and very graceful to finished that Break in fainess about this affair.
It was a shame and near by a war declaration.
Many Germans have not enough learned about history, thats not the way to get respect !
@ "Centauro Many Germans have not enough learned about history"

Dear Mr. Puchala,

my Granfather was in oposition to the Nazi Regime in Germany and therefore in the Concentration Camp.

@ Custer Peter Shaw "His racist and arrogent remarks..."

Dear Mr.Shaw,

since years I support social projects on Native American Reservations in the USA and a Project in Africa. I'm a Non-Native member of the "Native American Association of Germany" and a Group called AGIM which supports projects against racism. My wife works unpaid with Turkish children who have social problems...

I aske both Gentlemen to stop suche accusations! This have nothing to do with the letter signed by our Foundation and the case of German jurors at the World Expo.

Bruno Schmäling
Gentelman, Gentelman,

Please, stop shooting at eachother and keep it by the facts.
Bruno is asked to talk with the WE organisers and i'm sure the sky is open and clear when they finished there talks.

Let's go back to what whe are doing for a HOBBY,,,, painting FIGURES.. and waiting for the results of the conversation.

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