I agree with Carl, superb drapery.
Actually it's quite refreshing to see a female figure on PF with any drapery at all at the moment, and without any 'drapery malfunctions'.
Great work on such a challenging scale.
This is the nicest civvy figure I have seen in 35th,very usable .... I hope there is more to go with her of this quality and being an Eastern front fan will fit right in !!
Thanks for all! I was tried show girl with reality Russian village character. No girl from movie, no girl from poster - it is my vision of simple Russian girl.
Sculpt of civilian is very-very interesting task for sculptor. You are gripe in rigid framework when you sculpt German or any other soldier. But you have really open space when you sculpt civilian. They can be young or old, men or women, fat or skinny - you should only keep historical reliability.
Good help for sculpt of Russian civilians WWII are German wartime photos. Many Germans was be charmed of Russian village colouring and made many interesting photo, like this: http://www.deutschefotothek.de/db/a...c2606R8eHtdPqye7hAaiN3jfKxhltSiG0gS_m_gZQuG_r It is very useful material for sculpt.
Maki, no, girls on beach will be flirt with walking Germans. This girl will be smile to Russian infantrymen. http://stalingrad.diorama.ru/foto/3508-1.jpg It is my old idea for vignette
Series 7, yes. This figure will be available in Stalingrad range in couple month.