Golf figure


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Joe Hudson

A Fixture
Oct 31, 2003
St Charles, MO
Hello Everyone,

My name is JoeHudson and I am trying to figure this thing out, so bear with me. I have some in progress pictures of my latest golfer Payne Stewart. I welcome all comments and any suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you.


Welcome Joe,

I am sure you will recieve comments on your superb sculpting as we have quite a few fantastic sculpters who come into pf. Now that is not an area (as I look at my attempt ) and I will wait until you get into the painting stage for my comments. Judging from your photo you posted above.........Great Job.........I hope you continue to post your work as you are working on it as it gives us who haven't risen to your level plenty of tips and how-to not available anywhere else. Thanks Joe, for joining us!

Guy (y)
Hi Joe. Welcome aboard. Payne looks great, of course they love him here in Springfield. It looks like you're using Apoxie on this one instead of Sculpy.
Hey Guy and John,

Thanks a lot. I am still trying to figure this thing out! Guy I have done a few different figures and I will try to post them. I have also got to figure out the album site then I can add more pictures for you. I have done a WWI Britt and a Rev War drummer. Kreston Peckam has them and I look forward to seeing what he does with them. John, I stilllike what you are doing. I think that you have got a great jump on the sculpting thing! ;)

re: Payne Stewart.

Great sculpt, Joe.(y)

The living proof that folds don't need to be complicated to be expressive.

Looking forward to the next step.

Best wishes,


Thank you so much. I really appreciate the comment. I have been a long time admire of your work. It started with the Germino bust and has progressed to your latest. I look forward to showing the finished figure.

Joe, sport always seems an unusual subject for figures to me ( I guess it's because I'm not into sport ) but very nicely done all the same, what's the other figure you've posted ?


Thank you for all the help and I still want to try and get together. Let me know what would be good for you.


Thanks. I have had many people ask why the golfers and to tell you the truth, I am new to the sculpting and this has helped me because I do not have to worry so much about all the gear and, etc., by doing this I am able to concentrate on just trying to get the figure right. I will be doing something more historical soon. The other figure is that of a drummer from the 6th Virginia Reg during the American Revolution.

I do not have to worry so much about all the gear and, etc., by doing this I am able to concentrate on just trying to get the figure right.

That makes a lot of sense.
Yes , now I see the drum :blink: excellent work ,is that a stock head
I do not have to worry so much about all the gear and, etc., by doing this I am able to concentrate on just trying to get the figure right.

That makes a lot of sense.
now I see the drum excellent work ,is that a stock head or your own ?

It is a modified head. I wish I could do my own. :( I was just checking out the web site and I saw your highlander. Man is he nice! Have you done anymore to him? I added a picture of a highlander bust that I painted, different time period. I have a thing for the highlanders. I guess it is in my blood. My ancestors are from Scotland and were else better to have your honeymoon?

Joe, Glad to see you made it. I see you also posted some pics, looking good. That drummer is really great. It will be something to see Krestion's paintjob. Joe's sculpting is coming along, I'm glad he's able to share it with us.~Gary
Hey Gary,

Thanks so much for the help and the push to join. ;) I too look forward to seeing the drummer as well as the Britt. I hope to see yours completed soon.

Thanks Joe, actually I had one go at the lace( Bastion ended, is that the right term for the arrow shaped lace) but as I was carving some bits started to peel off so I scraped it all off, will have to try a different approach. It was only paper thin.

I look forward to seeing more of the figure. What I have seen so far is great and I can only imagine the rest looking the same.

Originally posted by Joe Hudson@Oct 31 2003, 03:17 PM
Hello Everyone,

My name is JoeHudson and I am trying to figure this thing out, so bear with me. I have some in progress pictures of my latest golfer Payne Stewart. I welcome all comments and any suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you.


Great stuff Joe. I remember you from the Tulsa shows and it is really nice to see your in progress pieces. I think sports is a great subject as I really enjoy non-military subjects as well and I have always thought Bill Horan's baseball players to be amongst his best efforts. Your choice of golfers is a very interesting subject that has wide appeal I am sure. If I remember you did Tiger Woods a year or so back. How many have you done altogether?
Thanks Mr Tavis,

I am sorry I can remember your first name. My mind is gone from chasing a 21 month old and a 6 month old! :) I too have been inspired by Bill's work. I would love to do a baseball player but I would never be satisfied looking at what he has done. I did do the Tiger Woods and he was my first one and I enjoyed him so much that I am now on my 4 th golfer. I have also started a new figure and he is non military as well, he is in fact from literature! I will show him later as I progress. It has been something that I have wanted to do for a while. I should post some new pictures of Payne Stewart soon.

It's Bob.

Re: non-military. It does open up a whole new realm and is one of the things that I always admired about Fletcher Clement who to me is one of the best diorama modelers around. Not that others don't do great things but the fact that Fletcher does not limit his interest to strictly military subjects has allowed him to explore other fascinating depictions that are quite visually appealing.

Can't wait to see what you have in store.
Thank you BOB ,

I totally agree with you on Fletcher, his mind is always turning and some of the things he comes up with has me scratching my head. He has a great flair for storytelling. I hope that you will like what I have next. ;)

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