Goodbye PF


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A Fixture
Sep 16, 2013
After my last figure was shunned,I've decided that I will no longer be participating in any threads, nor will I be posting my latest figure's.I'll still be looking in though.
There are too many people that post pics and never bother to reply to comments not even a thank you.
I have always tried to comment on everyone's models.but I feel that I am just wasting my time.

So goodbye to all the nice people on here.and good riddance to all the others.

Enjoy your modelling
All the best.
Ralph, is people like you I want in this forum.(y)
Your last figure is fantasy, perhaps if you present a Napoleonic or a WWII stuff you collect more feedback, who knows?!
As I mention before, the completed figures sub forum is less "visible" than Vbench section, I tried to share this with the new Adm but they think otherwise.
I hope you reconsider and continue being part of this Forum and dont forget, the most importante goal of this hobby is that you enjoy it and be happy to do it.

Cheers and hope to see more from you.
I wouldn't take it too much to heart, it happens from time to time.
Completed figures even the popular models don't seem attract as much attention as WIP posts.
I have to admit that whilst I look at completed figures I very rarely make comment, preferring to comment on WIP's where I can be more constructive.
There are also models that I don't like and I tend to skip these, I particularly tend to skip 'personality' casts, your Julius Ceasar is a case in point.
I'm not that great on posting pieces but I wholly agree with you that if someone has taken the trouble to post a comment then the originator should always acknowledge it.
Glad that you will still be looking in.

My friend I echo Pedros comment reconsider this , I have done reviews and had no comments's sometimes difficult to look and indeed see every single thread .

Your contribution to PF is valued immensely that is for sure as are your modelling skills.

Whatever you do enjoy it

Sorry to hear that Ralph and I hope you will reconsider. I confess that I missed your fig and I am sorry. I check for updates fairly frequently on my iPad. One of the problems I run into is that only the latest post shows up on the summary page. Plus I spend more time in vbench than completed figs. I glance at completed on the title page but there is little traffic there. So if the same figure shows up as latest post, perhaps I assume nothing has transpired since my latest visit. It is possible that several figures could have been posted in the interim and that a comment on the original one may have moved it back to the top of the queue, making it look like nothing new has happened. Every so often I actually check the completed queue but I admit not frequently.

It's disappointing when something you post is not noticed. This can also happen when adding new material to old vbench threads.

Anyway, my advice is to be patient. i don't think your work was shunned as almost every piece will draw comments and likes if it gets noticed. There are enough decent memebers to ensure that. Bad luck it was missed.

As of time of writing this, your piece had 129 views. Based on avaerages I have observed, more than 90% of those would be unregistered members who can't comment. Your issue is traffic rather than shunning.

Glad you are at least staying to read.

After rereading your note Ralph, I will add the further comment that I agree that we have a few very capable "members" who just show up to post their latest masterpiece without ever looking at others' work or otherwise contributing anything meaningful to the community. As you say, not even a thankyou for comments received. I consider these to be "drive by" posters who finish a piece and spray it all over the net and social media hoping to increase their prestige or perhaps to find a collector/buyer. I expect that there is no thank you posted because they never return to that PF string to read what was said. That is their choice of course.

There are a few of these serial drive by artists that I won't comment on in principle....I guess that is the passive aggressive side of me.

I totally agree with all the comments above, particularly those regarding the 'Completed' section. The traffic is extremely swift and regularly contains box-art painting which naturally attracts more viewers.

I've had a quick look through this section and have found that your posts have had many views and comments. Your last one appears to be an odd one out. That's Sod's Law for you.

My advice, for what it's worth, is please don't let one occurrence determine your action.

I missed this post too Ralph...seems many did.....and it can't help having it described as fantasy either, but I think Pedro was looking at the wrong one.
If it does happen again, just bump the post and let fly with abuse.......that's the best way to deal with it I find.
I suggest you look at numbers. Your thread is barely 3 days old and it had 146 views. I reckon a third of these views must have just happened as a consequence of this thread.

To me it says - no one has seen it, not no one looked at it and shunned it.

My personal posting experience says there may be up to 200 views before any one says anything, that's the reality of modern forums, people are fairly passive, there is about 80 active members vs 3000 guests or registered members who dont bother.
And, yes, it feels like **** in those first few days, when you think WTF?? But people miss things. And if you reside on several forums - even more so. People also go to work and look after kids and sleep. That takes alot of time and takes a due share of their attention...

My thread with Retiarius was reservedly received in the beginning, to my surprise, and not by people I knew would comment. A month later I replied and thread "popped up " again - this time another massive group of people noticed and commented.

But 6 month later (pre release), just 1 picture of it was posted on Facebook and went viral - more than 300 likes, 15 shares or more and not counting comments.

So - its all about exposure and timing.

Anyhow, I hope the stuff and dust in your life is settling now and wish you all the best


I will be honest! I did see this piece a couple of days ago. However, in comparison to your other work, I found myself frowning. To me a visual is all about that 'Feeling of Yes'. Unfortunately it was not there this time.:(

S0, what do I do ? .. Post a lie! or some meaningless rhetoric, such as 'Nice Job', 'Well Painted', etc, etc. By way of appeasement.. I am sorry but that is not me.

Or, do I say what I feel, and become this weeks 'Nasty-****', and reap the vitriol of others.?

Or thirdly, do I keep quiet,? and not express anything at all.

This is the thing about public forums! Which can be a hard task at times.;) (Unless one being an Aussie) :D


It's probably my imagination, but I've noticed that most people on this forum seem to reside in Europe. From where I live here in western Canada, there's a 7 hour time difference between here and London. When I post it's usually in the early evening here eg. 6:00 p.m. that means it's 01:00 in London and everybodys asleep. By the time people there wake up, go to work and get back online to see what's been happening on PF, a lot has happened since then. As a result, my posting gets sunk further down and a lot of time it seems to be un-noticed and comments are few. This unfortunately is a fact of life and although it might be depressing sometimes, we just have to roll with it. Don't take it personally Ralph, comments are nice to have, but the fact is people are actually looking at your fig and as your skillsets in figure painting might be better or poorer than these viewers, their lack of comments only mean they like your stuff.
sorry to ramble on....:)
Take solace in the fact that you are getting views. It shows that people were interested enough to click. All online media is driven today by the "clicks" so that way you are highly successful.
The first time I posted a pic it was met with laughs, scorn, poked at, and even blocked by some people. And that wasn't even my work but a picture of me!:LOL:

Keep posting,

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