Goodbye PF


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The first time I posted a pic it was met with laughs, scorn, poked at, and even blocked by some people. And that wasn't even my work but a picture of me!:LOL:

Aye, Bob, it was!
Ralph if you go we will be the poorer for you going, and it means I shall have to post my bad stuff in your name until you see sense and come back again.
Personal apologies for not seeingg your post.
On this occasion I have simply had problems being on-line enough, my systems been crashing when I get halfway through loading the forum for almost a week and I've only been able to make a nuisance of myself at odd times this week.
So..... Get the camera out and carry on.... Or else:D
Take solace in the fact that you are getting views. It shows that people were interested enough to click. All online media is driven today by the "clicks" so that way you are highly successful.
The first time I posted a pic it was met with laughs, scorn, poked at, and even blocked by some people. And that wasn't even my work but a picture of me!:LOL:

Keep posting,

Got to leave your clothes on at our age Bob.
After my last figure was shunned,I've decided that I will no longer be participating in any threads, nor will I be posting my latest figure's.I'll still be looking in though.
There are too many people that post pics and never bother to reply to comments not even a thank you.
I have always tried to comment on everyone's models.but I feel that I am just wasting my time.

So goodbye to all the nice people on here.and good riddance to all the others.

Enjoy your modelling
All the best.
I'm sorry to hear this Ralph,I hope I'm not one of those who have offended you,i always reply individually to people's comnents on my work,I know where your'e coming from though,you have always showed support for my work which I thank you for.
Some of my postings get a lot of views, some a few comments. Either way, I'm not bothered. I have found this site to be figure orientated and it is visited by modellers of very varying talents and opinions. I have yet to be persuaded to leave the site because something I have done gets a few negative posts.

Hang on in.

Ralph, mate. You seem to paint and use this forum the same way I do. Historic, fantasy, sci-fi it's all the same to you, the figure is what counts. But if you post fantasy/sci-fi then you have to be prepped for a muted response, they just don't attract the same attention. Ultimately though, if it hacks you off when people don't respond then don't put yourself through it. You've gotta paint for yourself first and foremost and to hell with other peoples opinions. All the best mate, every comment you've made on my work has been appreciated, sorry to see you go. All the best, Jim.
Sorry to see you go Ralph but it is your decission.
Since the finished figures are not welcome in your own vBench the comments are less then in the past.
It happen to me also. Look only at the vieuws.
Not everybody gives a comment.


Take a deep breath! It's all good. I have to second what many others have had to say. 1st it takes a lot of balls to post your work and second the majority of traffic never posts work or posts on other peoples work at all. I also try to view everything and comment or at the very least put a like. Sometimes with the just sheer number of content posted stuff get missed. Not shunned by any stretch of the imaginations.

Good Luck and Cheers!
Ralph, please do not leave, things do get missed but I'm sure that's not a snub. In my case, when I miss responding to something it's usually because it's one o'clock in the morning and I can't cope with anything more than just scrolling over the mouse. Please have a rethink ?
Best wishes, Gary.
PS I think I did comment on your little gremlin(y).
I wouldn't take it as a snub that your latest figure wasn't commented on so much - probably more an issue of its visibility on the forum.
I usually view PF on my smartphone via an app and it's quite a different experience to viewing it on the web - for example a lot of the new threads that appear prominent on the main page on the web I don't get noted of. This seems especially true for completed figures as now I have looked via the web there are loads of great figs that I have missed over the last few months.
Stick with it and hope to see you posting once again.
Ralph, come back mate, THIS FORUM NEEDS YOU!

Happens to the best of us. I got peed off a few years ago on here. I took a lot of time and trouble photographing something, puton here and after 200+ views, only 2 comments. Less than 1%. Why bother I thought. And I'm not alone in this.

Have a break and come back
Ralph, come back mate, THIS FORUM NEEDS YOU!

Happens to the best of us. I got peed off a few years ago on here. I took a lot of time and trouble photographing something, puton here and after 200+ views, only 2 comments. Less than 1%. Why bother I thought. And I'm not alone in this.

Have a break and come back
Why bother?
Not for the likes, not for the comments.
Do it because this is what you love doing. Because it calms your mind, because it scratches that artistic itch, because you enjoy creating, because it makes you happy. Never for the "likes", f#@k the likes, that's not why you're doing this. ;)
I post to show my work and hope to learn from the comments. I search this site to see the work of others and what I caan learn from them. Getting 'likes' and positive comments is pleasant, as is being quoted, but constructive criticsm is also valuable.

Your Julius Caeser: Posted up Monday with (at the time of writing) 8 comments and 7 "likes" from 339 views. A fairly average response rate on that sub-forum I'd say.

I think you're over-reacting Ralph, and taking it much too personally. But of course it's your call.

In any case it's hardly a "snub". Even the best "master painters" on here sometimes only get a views:reponses ratio of around 10% on their posts.

Speaking personally, I look at a LOT of figures on here (completed ones as well as WIPs). I only comment on a relatively small number of them though, not least because I simply don't have the time. Either that or I haven't got anything to add that hasn't already been said by others. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I don't like what I see, or that I don't appreciate a good paint-job when I see one. And I suspect I'm not alone in that.

I will say this about your figures though: From what I've seen, your photos tend to be a bit on the dark side, and I very much suspect that they don't do your painting full justice. Hence they sometimes may not "grab" people enough to comment on them. I have a similar problem, i.e. I'm a crap photographer. I can look at a figure I've finished or am working on, decide I've made a decent fist of it, take a bunch of photos ... and they all turn out poor. Either under-exposed, over-exposed, blurred or otherwise don't do the figure justice. Occasionally I'll manage to take one or two that are half-decent and "suitable for public consumption", but that's a major reason why I don't post up very much of my stuff.

Stay, go, lurk in the background - your decision. Best wishes and happy painting whatever.

- Steve
If you change your mind don't hesitate to come back on board as no one will think any the worse. We have all done it.....i.e. gotten irritated or demoralized or disappointed. It's especially toxic when real life stress intersects with something here. This is a pretty good place to be, especially if life is stressful.
What the......

Ralph, take a break and think it over. You have given recognition to so many, and I believe that its in your nature to do so. Not everyone is like that, and if you don't get a lot of views/comments, so what. Its no skin off your nose. Soldier on. I/we enjoy looking at your work, that fact that you share it, and more importantly your companionship.

yes i know how you feelling, but thats not the way.
you should post constantly again. A problem is the big community here. When I came 2 or 3 Week back there are more than more good figures and posts what allwos me about 24 hours to read.
I think the most people here looking only to the first and second news site because of time.
Another thing is thats not a good forum For SF, but the same way, you should post constantly again.
Looking on my trapper I finished since a long time there is no post no liking for the final pics.
Thats the way it is, no matter.
A community lives from posting from all over the world, and thats a forum which lives a long time.
I know the time in 2004 where not much people here. I think now its better.

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