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Active Member
Jan 24, 2025
Scottish Borders
This is my first figure post. I have been working on the armour of this Mycenaean heavy infantry man.
I have wet blended bronze, gold and silver over a copper base. The figure has an awful lot of texture on the armour, I assume to produce the beaten treatment in the armourers forging process.
I'm quite happy with it and have thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Your thoughts will be appreciated.
Hi Paul

Great to see what your working on , interesting subject to choose and definately one for armour painters

I agree with LH looks like a museum piece .....nice work so far ...are you stippling to surface

Be interested in seeing what metallics your using

This might be of interest

Look forward to seeing more

Have fun @ the bench


Here’s a museum original piece
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Hi Paul

Great to see what your working on , interesting subject to choose and definately one for armour painters

I agree with LH looks like a museum piece .....nice work so far ...are you stippling to surface

Be interested in seeing what metallics your using

This might be of interest

Look forward to seeing more

Have fun @ the bench


Here’s a museum original piece
View attachment 704723
Thank you Nap.
It is an unusual subject. To be honest it isn't one I'd normally go for, but for my first piece I wanted to push my comfort-zone.
Thank you for the link, that is a beautiful figure and is wonderfully animated. Unfortunately, their site is for sale?

I'm wet blending on the figure itself using two brushes, one new and one old.
The paints used are from Scale 75.
It would be difficult for an infantryman to move very far in this armour. I suspect whoever wore it would have been fighting from a chariot.
Very recently there were some experimental tests here in Greece in a multi-discipinary approach where an exact replica of the Dendra armour was used.The suit of armour was constructed after careful measurments of the original by armourer Katsikis Demitrios (Hellenic Armours on FB). https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0301494
The results may surprise you.

Very recently there were some experimental tests here in Greece in a multi-discipinary approach where an exact replica of the Dendra armour was used.The suit of armour was constructed after careful measurments of the original by armourer Katsikis Demitrios (Hellenic Armours on FB). https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0301494
The results may surprise you.

This is very interesting. Experimental archaeology is always the best way to product results on historical items.
Hi Paul,
I have this figure in the stash and am looking forward to the paint. Which shield did you opt for? I think I went for one that looked like it is clad with leather or cloth maybe. Not sure of any historical references for these.
Cheers Steve

...Great bronze finish BTW.