Review Grunt from Nuts Planet ( "it Bust" series)


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Its time to share the resin

This time I will be looking at the 3rd in the "it Bust" series from Nuts Planete , the previous 2 I had the pleasure to share with you here :

The release was announced here as always and in social media

Initial release:

with the box art being shared here:

With this release we continue with subjects from the films but this time we move forward 50 years to the horror of the Vietnam War with a sculpt based on the character in the film "Platoon" played by actor Charlie Sheen.

In my opinion this was a classic film with many memorable moments depicting at times the horror and futility of war itself all played out by great production .

I would like to dedicate this review to all those servicemen both American and their allies that fought , saw terrible events and died for a lost cause with veterans still suffering nowadays from the war and indeed from more recent conflicts.

Books are of course readily available as well as the big screen to look at .

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Here are some references for the bust

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Continued in next post

On now to the release

Details :

Title: "GRUNT" , US Army in the Vietnam War

Reference: NP-I003

Scale: 1/10th

Material: Gray Resin

No of pieces: 8 plus colour card and set of decals

Sculptor: Jun-Sik Ahn

Box Art: Myeong-Ha Hwang

As with the previous releases the contents are held in a useful tin container with a colour picture on the top on a wrap around paper seal .
Grunt 001.jpg
Resin held between thick foam layers with the smaller parts and the decals being in plastic bags .

Parts consist of the torso( with head) helmet , 3 helmet straps , oil or insect repellent bottle , torch and a base
Grunt 002.jpg

Also we have a double sided card one giving the colours used in painting ( all Vallejo references) together with a colour picture of the helmet camo pattern Grunt 004.jpg ,

on the other side we have the numbered areas where the colours were used .Grunt 003.jpg


Torso...Remove casting plug from top front of head , sand fine casting line from back of piece

Helmet...Remove casting plug from the rear of helmet

Torch....Remove small casting post and fit in place

Straps/Bottle....Fit in place on helmet

Base ...if you choose to use pin to underside of base

General comments

1. As with the previous releases this is a head and shoulders sculpt matching the previous ones in style , the sides are cut angled from the shoulders

2. You might prefer to paint the torch and bottle prior to fixing

3. Decals are best in my opinion fitted at the end

4. Minimal prep as expected with the resin quality being very high and smooth on the surface with no air holes or blemishes.


As said a head and shoulders so the focus is on the face and yes it does look like the character captured well by the sculptor , looking to his left , the features are really good , well formed eyes and ears with the nose and mouth area being the same , the forehead is furrowed , eyebrows slightly raised , mouth held together.

The head is angled towards the rear with the neck muscles evident at the front .

The uniform is the issue jacket with the webbing shoulder straps , all have good edges and the clothing is ruffled at the edges , around his neck we have the ever present towel aka sweat rag seen in so many pictures of the soldiers , folds in this are good , peeking out from the neck we see his ID chain , well shown and adding a bit more interest .

Grunt 005.jpgGrunt 007.jpgGrunt 008.jpgGrunt 009.jpgGrunt 010.jpgGrunt 011.jpg
Grunt 006.jpg
This bust is all about detailing and textures for me with the face being depicted to show a disillusioned soldier .

On the underneath there is the nicely formed area to fit the base .


The helmet is a really nice piece of work and gives the painter to go to town on the camo itself , depicted with the cover being worn , pulled tightly over with small folds and wrinkles , around the base we have a securing band keeping safe all the things vital to the soldier , bug oil, cigarettes and anything else he wished...including playing cards ( Ace of spades etc) and of course the covers were littered with slogans some anti war some abusive some funny ....a little relief to the hell of war around these soldiers .

Also wrapped round the band there is a crucifix ....a small token of belief

Grunt 012.jpgGrunt 013.jpgGrunt 014.jpgGrunt 015.jpgGrunt 017.jpgGrunt 016.jpg
This is a piece where you can really go to town on the weathering , the camo could be sun bleached as well ..its a painters delight


These are lovely pieces of work the torch in particular , packed with details , on off switch , the torch head , surface details , the lens were various colours , this is a piece of kit similar to the torch GS issued to UK soldiers in the past.
Grunt 024.jpg Grunt 022.jpgGrunt 023.jpg
Grunt 021.jpg
The straps are small and yes I did grovel around looking for one in the carpet !!! ....they all fit nicely to the helmet itself , one having a weapon round tucked in behind it ..another nice touch .

Grunt 018.jpgGrunt 019.jpg

The bottle ..this could be either insect repellent or rifle oil , correct shape for either , other versions were seen .

Grunt 020.jpg

On this nice addition to the contents you get 4 cigarette pictures , Marlboro , 2 x Lucky Strike , Winston also the lettering for the bottle and a nicely done Ace of Spades , the decals are a god idea and look good when in place

Grunt 003.jpg


As with the previous releases a nicely shaped rounded base , fitting cleanly into the relevant area

Final Thoughts

A nice addition to the "it Bust" series from Nuts , well executed and despite being just head and shoulders has lots of potential for the painter , sculpting and casting and presentation are very good .

As with the other I have no hesitation in recommending this

For more information on this and other release from Nuts Planet go to their website at :

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Thanks to Nuts Planet for the review piece and for you all for looking in

Happy bench time

Lets have some pictures now


Firstly the unpainted version:


Now the painted box art:


And finally a great version by one of our own member Steve Turner aka Predasteve...nice one mate

