Hellhound Miniatures 120mm US Marine Saipan


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Staff member
Nov 24, 2005
This is a new one to me. I ordered a copy on October 2nd and it arrived today (to Idaho, USA) from Russia. It more than lives up to my expectations. I plan on doing a review of it, but the pics on their Etsy page are better than anything I can take, and are an honest representation of what you get. Its pretty friggin awesome, and a subject I have been hoping to see for some time. Its top notch!




Hi Jason

Great subject , new company as well like you say

Presentation looks good , the booklet is a nice addition


Look forward to review

Thanks for sharing

Superb in terms of both subject and quality. Never heard of "Hellhound" before, and might just have to pick one up.

- Steve
I hadn't heard of them either. I was wanting to do this scene for a while and decided to give it a try by sculpting it. I did a google search for more reference, and lo and behold, there it was. At first I just knew it was going to be the wrong scale, or a one off, or a 3-D render, but this time the planets aligned and it was exactly what I was looking for. I was glad to see its actually cast resin and not printed, so no nubs or crappy resin to sand. At this point I have dry fit the arms and they fit perfectly, and there may be no seams or mold lines at all.Just pour stubs to cut and sand. Joy!
New one on me and thanks for the heads up Jason, never heard of this company before but looks very promising if this release is anything to go by.
Nice figure...I like the relax pose of him sitting on the shell projectile and awesome detail too. I also curious about the booklet, never see a company that provide a booklet before. There seems to be a lot information about uniform, helmet reference for painting..
Interesting. I guess that I’ll just try again later and see if they update that.

When I ordered mine, there was only 1, so I think with Etsy they list how any they have actually ready to ship at that moment, its likely more will be added. They have put too much time and effort into the complete package not to sell as many as they can.
Is this Hellhound's first figure or have they done others?

- Steve

I thinks its their first, its number I believe ends in 001. The interesting thing is the booklet is dated 2017, and the listing on Etsy was last updated in 2018. So either its been floating around for some time and I just missed it, or they never update their Etsy page. On the booklet that came with the fig, there are 2 other figs listed, but aren't shown on their site. One is an Untersturmfuhrer SS with 2 dogs, Krakow 1943, and the other is a Red Army Sergeant Victory Parade 1945.