Hello from England - and a bit of 32nd Airfix nostalgia.


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Troy Smith

Oct 28, 2023
Just joined to pick the collective hive mind about these

But in my childhood I did 100's of Airfix, both 32nd and 76th, which I still have, and in my early teens did a few of the 54mm Collectors series, as well as the Multipose.
I as rather pleased to find ;later issues of the Airfix poly figures had been done in K-rein, a type of styrene.

Last one I did was this, which is a poly.

Base caost are acrylic, with oil paint dissolved in lighter fuel wash.

I was quite pleased with the Dennison smock, which had the green and brown painted on, and would get a 3rd colour when they crossed over.

Airfix US Paratroops, one of their best sets.

Airfix Commando.... the chap on the box art look a lot like Bernard Bresslaw i think...

I used a too a too dark wash on this which makes the uniform too dark.

and the first one i did, Australian

faces are not my strongpoint, but I really enjoyed doing the uniforms,

Hope of interest, I have a few of the 54mm Napoleonic I have been been meaning to have a go at...


Hello, Troy and welcome to Planet Figure the best miniatures site on the web. We're happy to have you with us. Thanks for sharing some of your work. Feel free to ask anyone any questions you may have. It isn't what you paint or how well you paint it. We're all in this together.
Welcome to the forum, I guess there are a lot of us here who started with Airfix figures. I still have a bunch of 1/72-76th figures and vehicles in regular use as part of my 20mm French Indochina wargame forces.

I never collected the 1/32 ones but did enjoy seeing them.
Painting one of those now as a stock piece would certainly make an interesting forum wide challenge.
Hi Robbo


PF is for all types of figures with or without additions

Great to have you with us , ( I only do busts ! )....share the PF word , all are very welcome to join ..no matter what's modelled with figures, fantasy , warhammer, war game figures

Have a good look around and enjoy

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Look forward to seeing your modelling no matter what you paint or sculpt .......its all about having fun

Happy bench-time

Nap ( Moderator/Admin )