Lately when I finish a painting session I get a slight headache due to the effort of my eyes. I went to the doctor and all is well with them. He advised me to buy better lenses, and since that, I've been looking for one, and now, I ask your help. I saw these two on ebay, wich is better in your opinion? or are something better?
I dont need for busts, only for 1:35 or 54mm figures.
Thanks in advance.
Lately when I finish a painting session I get a slight headache due to the effort of my eyes. I went to the doctor and all is well with them. He advised me to buy better lenses, and since that, I've been looking for one, and now, I ask your help. I saw these two on ebay, wich is better in your opinion? or are something better?
I dont need for busts, only for 1:35 or 54mm figures.
Thanks in advance.