Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate it.
As for the flesh and oils I wanted to go with a less "contrasted" look to her fleshtones because she is a "she" and it was a larger scale so I tried airbrushing oils for it. It was pretty easy for the most part. I mixed my flesh colors on a palette like normal and then put each color into a seperate small "mixing cup" where I added Tamiya lacquer thinner to a very thin consistency of paint to thinner. Over an enamel flesh basecoat I airbrushed the different tones, letting it dry over night then "touching up" and building up color each night afterwards for 3-4 sessions. In between painting sessions I put paint cups in the freezer to slow evaporation of thinner/paint mixture and keep it fresh for entire time.
Hope this helps with the technique I tried on it.
I got the bust as a gift from a friend, but he ordered it from E2046, which I believe is a manga/fantasy figure website.
Thanks for the responses and I hope I answered some of the questions you all had-