How long ?


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sam b

A Fixture
Sep 15, 2010
brighton england
If like me you balls up a figure and you have no choice but to place him in thinner n start over ! How long does your bad mood last ? So far I'm at 7 hours n counting !
Its only a figure, try not to let it ruin your health or upset your day. It is only paint and can easily be stripped and repainted. Worsed case scenerio is you toss it out and start another figure.

At least a week!

Sometimes when I've atempted a head sculpt on a Saturday night and it's gone tits up! I have to wait a full week before I can attempt it again. I'm not a painter so I cannot really comment, but if you're sculpting it hurts so much more!

We all have 'em Sam. I tend to do something a bit different, must be the only bonus of having so many projects on the go. I do some groundwork, or have a play with some armour or a different scale.
It'll come back, it will appear better in the morning.
I'm just getting over one. Found time to work on a piece today and made a right cock up of it. A run and good stiff drink has worked wonders :)

Why is it some sessions are effortless and others feel as if I have never picked up a brush before and can't tell the difference between blue and yellow!!!!!
Ahhh sam....I had just recently got to the final stages with a nice figure...reached for the Dullcote for a final spray and picked up a can of Olive drab (well they are the same shape..) guess the rest. Moody..a bit but had to laugh and as with every figure something got learned! As the guys said it is only a hobby at the end of (long ) day.
Depends on several factors

How much time I had invested (how many tries so far?) The more tries, the longer the frustration lasts.
What kind of mood I was in to start with. I try not to work on anything when I am in a crappy mood, but that limits me to about 12 minutes a week...:(

How well I thought I was doing just before everything went south. If I have been working on something for a long while and think its looking good, then discover otherwise, its much worse than if I were to notice early on see the corrections I need to make.

I have been working on a scratchbuilt/kitbash 1/16 WWII US Marine for some time now. For a while he languished in the pile, then I got back to doing him. Twice I thought I was to the point to prime him and start painting, only to find something I really didn't like (both times I hated the left arm I had used from the parts box, both of them I tried). Both times I actually threw him across the room and busted him into pieces. Fortunately both times all the parts were easily found and reassembled. Finally I decided just to sculpt a new arm. Each time I wrote him off entirely, but by the next day there I was, collecting the pieces and going back to work. Once again I am to the priming/painting stage, and if this time it goes bad, I am taking him outside, dousing him with gasoline, and ending it once and for all! A.D.D., bipolar and in need of anger management is not a good recipe for success!
Ahhh sam....I had just recently got to the final stages with a nice figure...reached for the Dullcote for a final spray and picked up a can of Olive drab (well they are the same shape..) guess the rest. Moody..a bit but had to laugh and as with every figure something got learned! As the guys said it is only a hobby at the end of (long ) day.

Glad to hear I am not the only one to pull this move! Be lying if I said I was not just a bit pissed at myself.:D
...If like me you balls up a figure and you have no choice but to place him in thinner n start over ! How long does your bad mood last ?...

Not long. My mood would be less than cheery before making the final decision to start over.

For the sake of my sanity, I prefer to approach it the other way round.

I'm greatly inspired by the magnificent work of some of the true artists at pF and elsewhere (both online and in the modelling press). I look at these figures and say to myself "that's where I want to be".

Trouble is - I'm not in their league.

So I regard things going tits-up as my "Default" mode. Or at very least I expect that my own work will fall some way short of what I hope to achieve when I start out.

So when things actually do go to something approaching "to plan", I look on that as a nice bonus!

That way, I'm not constantly tearing my hair out and hurling WIPs across the room in frustration.

You know it makes sense, LOL!!

- Steve