How many bases in your stash?


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A Fixture
Feb 26, 2004
After coming home from MFCA with five Thomas Art bases, and seeing that many of you did the same, it got me wondering how many yet-to-be-used bases I have in my stash. I was surprised to find that I have more than I expected, 42!

So how many bases do you have?
I carry about 70 bases.......from 10" round Thomas base to small pedestal bases for bust, also Thomas bases. After living away from any hobby shop or supplier, I have learned to stock bases along with paint and other supplies I use.
Originally posted by thegoodsgt@May 9 2005, 08:56 PM

So how many bases do you have?
Never enough! I found myself running down to Michigan Toy Soldier the weekend before MFCA, to pick up a couple bases to mount two figures on. Praying all the way to Valley Forge that Ken Thomas would be there. Thankfully he was so I picked up enough to give me something to work on till Chicago.

Not counting painting bases, I just picked sixvery nice bases from Micheal's for the price one from S&T (they need to be finished, but it wasa bargain), total I have about ten. There are never enough.
Not enough! I only have (gasp) 3-4 bases in my closet. I only buy a base in anticipation of the next figure.

Brad Spelts
Im running very low on my stock. Here in Sweden only the Andrea bases are available. Since Oakwood retired Ive had a hard time founding a good supplier within the EU that can compete with the variation(and prices) that Richard had.

Since Oakwood retired Ive had a hard time founding a good supplier

Amen to that, Janne. I still have around 20 of Richard's excellent bases, mostly small ones for 54mm, but his departure has left a gap in the market over here. There is Chadhirst Bases, another supplier from Leeds, whose stuff is close to Oakwood in quality and price. Don't think he has a website, but if you want, I can PM you his details.


I am lucky in this case as my dad does my Bases to order I wish I could persuade him to produce as he would make a fortune. As they are on a par with Oakwood easily.

There is a hard wood supplier where I live so we buy off cuts from him of some lovely woods from Cherry through oak to mohogany.

Hi Phil

Could you PM his details to me as well, as I am down to my last 3 Bases, its a sorry situation to this low on bases..... :lol:

I think we have hit on a problem - no one has filled Oakwood's shoes. I will be seeing the folks from Chadhirst Bases at the IMSS Show at the end on May I will get them to post their details here.
I am down to my last 8 bases, so I know what I will be buying.
I've only got about 4 which is a sorry state. My major prob is not being able to get to many shows i forget to try and order some. I must do that from now on!!

Theres also the guy who does bases I have seen him at Euro a gentleman from up North sort of. Dave something I can't remember his name , I will look it up when I get home.

I'm not familiar with Oakwood. What was it about their bases that differentiated them from all the others? Can someone post a photo?
Theres also the guy who does bases I have seen him at Euro a gentleman from up North sort of. Dave something I can't remember his name , I will look it up when I get home.

Hi Robin

That's Dave Armstrong, from Newcastle way. He does bases and tools and sells a lot of deleted stock figures. He has some interesting bases and I believe he does them himself. I've used them from time to time. He does most of the UK shows.


I'm not familiar with Oakwood


Oakwood Studios was THE vendor of bases in the UK. Richard Wharton is a terrific guy and his work was top class. Many European modellers used his stuff but unfortunately for us, Richard decided to retrain and became a plumber! He sold off his base stock somewhere in the model trade but I understand he kept all his machinery - who knows, he might come back to it sometime. Here's hoping!

Most of Mike Blank's individual figures would be on Oakwood plinths.


I have about 8.

In the US, Greg Stewart makes some mighty nice bases. Since S&T seems to be reducing production, there seems to be a lack of resources here, too.

Guy turned me on to Greg. I understand he sells his stuff at shows. I have his email, if anyone wants it, I can PM you.
