how many people have do over,s


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I must admit sometimes the minute I finish a piece , I say feck I should have done better , it goes like this .
Thats nice , not so sure , thats shit :D

I do the same thing. Then I pull it out of the display a few months (or years) later and say "Holy Crap....did I do that?" And "how did I do that?"

Personally I now never re-do, however my son got me back into the hobby by buying me a Mig SS tank commander about 5 years ago and I painted and stripped the head 3 times before I was happy with it. I hated painting the faces at that time, which kind of makes the whole thing less than worthwhile. Now I really enjoy painting faces and often complete them first, in fact it looks quite macabre on my desk as there are heads on poles looking somewhat like traitors gate :). Postscript: The Mig commander had a little accident and is now in a Youngs box in bits awaiting reconstruction and a retouch, so at the beginning I fibbed a bit because he's a partial re-do.
I leave putting on the base and nameplate until last, then that's it finished and I don't touch it again. I try to improve on the next piece and it's good to reference your progression in standards through the pieces. I do strip during the build and paint if I'm not happy, but I wouldn't revisit a piece, if I did I would be going over and over the same piece forever as I don't think anyone of us is ever 100% happy with our work. To me I finish it and move on to the next :)
As to value, I recently bought an original Verlinden tank used on box art. It wasn't that expensive and it's nice to own a piece by the man himself. I probably will grab a couple more pieces
Very cool piece to have and more great thoughts I think part of it me is starting to properly do figures which I don't have a whole lot of no how yet in. But I can't leave them in the box forever so here goes nothing.
I've successfully pimped up a couple of older figures so that the newer ones on my cabinet don't make them look rubbish. So more of a 'make-over' than a full-blown re-do.

Full of good intentions, I also went through a phase of completely stripping and disassembling some of my older figures with a view to re-doing them better, only to find that I had no enthusiasm for revisiting them after all because of the constant stream of new stuff getting released that I find far more interesting.

These figures are all STILL stripped, in bits and bagged up and will probably remain so forever more - except for the I&E Swiss hornblower which I definitely will redo at some point.
I get it that was in the back of my mind lot of new pieces I would rather have . Instead of redoing my older ones I might get caught and never finish them the way I would like them to

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