Husar H3 finished


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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
here is the finished Husar.


Conny :)
Hi conny...super smooth painting...and I love the way you work the paint to it's brightest extremes but only in a tiny area...what a great effect....beautiful depth and colours..

All the best.....Roy.
Conny, simply unbelievable. Of all the things you have done on this flat, I like the horse the best. It really sets the figure off well. Not that the rest is lacking in any way shape or form. Very well done indeed!

Jim Patrick
great painting job on the rider - this Prussian hussar 18th century?
But the horse has serious anatomical flaws that in my opinion dimmnish this piece overal excellence. It could be the sculptor ignorance of horse anatomy and so then unless you know how to sculpt/convert you might be at disadvantage :(
Namely, you could check horse anatomy of the legs (hindlegs - the hocks as portrayed you made this horse a cripple, stiffle and gaskinhave gentle slopes and curves but nothing sharp to them), and a little of the head (the maseteric ridge +tubercle [those bony protrusions of the upper jaw] just below the eye that is always prominent and any straps would go a little below it not on it, the mouth ends gently and never sharply as those are lips, and this horse eye is too small unless one has preference for the so called pigseye - the English expression for this small eye).
the legs - especially the hind legs - hocks are not built the way you painted, also the same problem is in the horse's wrist or foreleg 'knee.'
see pages (in my opinion the best are the modelhorse sculptors pages and the Russian mniaturist forum ) great sculptor this one is quite amazing also amazing info for all interested :)
especially this link to Russian miniature forum, where you can find some of Mr.Zlobov info on sculpting horses:
some amazing head info
hope it helps to clarify
Originally posted by Guest@Nov 5 2005, 03:23 PM
Dariusz, you are far too critical. :angry: You work with what you have, or you change it as you said, and Konrad has done a masterful job with painting this piece! I find nothing wrong enough in the horses anatomy to significantly detract from this piece. An excellent piece over-all in my opinion. The importance in this piece lies in the exceptional use of highlight and shadow, not the minor imperfections you seem to be bothered with.

I think a mediocre figure can be made great by the right painter, just as a excellent figure can be made mediocre by the wrong painter. ;) M2C!

Jay H.
Sorry guys, deleted all my cookies last night, and wasn't registered for my message. Since it has some controversy associated with it, I wanted to be sure and claim it! That's my rant above! :lol:

Jay H.
Hello Dariusz,
at first thanks for your nice words, but you comment about the horse is for me too critical. :angry:

Please you look at the picture, this picture was for me the inspiration to create this flat.


I do not think so largely am the differences, if you considers that the light on the picture come from the right side and by my painting the light come from the left side.

Another problem is you paint the drawing for the engraver but you never get back what you have painted. The engraver have a own imagine of a horse or with another words this is to be engraved faster.

@ All the another guys: Thanks a lot for your nice comments ;)

Originally posted by dario966@Nov 5 2005, 01:54 PM
great painting job on the rider - this Prussian hussar 18th century?
But the horse has serious anatomical flaws that in my opinion dimmnish this piece overal excellence.
Dariusz, What does this have to do with the painting of the flat? There are places to critique or review a piece, scratchbuilt or stock on this site. I just do not think it fits well here.~Gary

P.S. I do like the links.
Regardless of anything, let's ace. Konrad's work is beautiful to look at and serves as an excellent exampe of what can be done with flats, very well done mate!
Mr. Konrad,

I for one do not see anything wrong with the flat but I am no expert. What I do see is a beautiful paint job and I would love to come close to this one day in my life!! I really look forward to seeing more of your work here on PF.

All the best,

Konrad...I love the colors of the horse. Hope you don't mind but I down loaded the photo to use as a reference for a mounted piece I had on hold till I could find the right horse colors...thanks to you i have found it,
Walt Damon
After reading dario966's posting I sat back and thought about the horses I have owned and spent so much time around years ago and for the life of not see anything wrong with Konrad's horse he sculpted. Much too critical dario966.

Now I see Konrad's reference painting that the flat was sculpted from and I see an almost perfect flat...from the painting....which I would rather have (correct or not) than anything that would make it different from the original painting.

I hope Konrad will help the members who may wish to explore the realm of flats more. Perhaps Konrad can include his website in his planet signiture so we can contact him for placing a possible order with him.
well, to start with my answer - I have not criticized this painting job at all.
I have just pointed to an apparent error in this flat's horse anatomy.
I too happen to know a bit about horse anatomy, conformation and movement (via college courses on equine anatomy and physiology, horse ownership and artistics endevours in the equine subject). I have not written my post to brag about quallifiactions in the equine anatomy and sculpture but to point to an important flaw the sculpture itself , yet instead of addressing the issue ( to his credit Konrad presented the inspirational litorghraph that unfortunately to him shows exactly where the error has occured with the flat's horse ) now this issue is being treated emotionally and not substantively.
Well , please review these images, compare with this flat's horse and draw your own conclusions




