"I was thinking far too hard about what it is that we do the other day" and it led me to a couple of questions.
Isn't that the problem kenshin? We're all getting too worried about creating "ART".
Nothing wrong with "reaching for the moon" of course, but by thinking of the hobby as high art, we are forgetting it is a hobby, and as such, it should be fun, not stress-inducing.
I make models for my own amusement. I don't care if it achieves somebody else's Gold medal standard or not. I just take on board other peoples advice and try to improve my technique a little each time.
"Now, here's a difference, varnishes and mettallics. Not a lot of mettallic paint used in a Vermeer, van Hals didn't use a satin varnish to bring skin tones to life".
Vermeer or van Hals had nowhere near the range of product we have easily available to us. My point? - they had no choice but to use a limited palette, we do.
I started modelling figures in the 1970's when it was enough to simply suggest shading with a few basic tones. Things have now become more sophisticated, and quite rightly so, but I've always thought the hobby has evolved into two quite different mind sets;- that of Modelers, and that of Painters; not mutually exclusive, but each demonstrating different priorities.
"Painters" (as I call 'em) seem keyed into the idea of using paint technique exclusively to represent everything. I've seen them rant about people using decals! but nobody ever goes to an AFV or Aircraft modeller and complain that their roundels or information signage isn't hand painted; so why should we?
Those pics posted here by Forte are superb. To me they do demonstrate successful attempts to portray an artistic idea, ( i.e. the suggestion of a virtual landscape surrounding the figure), but that doesn't mean we all have to go that way to create a figure that we will be happy with for ourselves.
As far as I'm concerned, I consider myself a modeler, not an artist. It is the final look of a figure that is the important thing to me, not how it has been achieved. I will always try to paint something if I can, but I am still happy to use any number of pre-printed sheets (no-one ever used a Verlinden map or poster?), decals, varnishes or metallic paints if they achieve a better finish than my wobbly old hands can manage.
Just enjoy it, do it for yourself no someone else, and don't lose any sleep over it.