A Fixture
direct download link:
http://irfanview.tuwien.ac.at/iview385.exe - (english)
This is a free -no-nag-no-spyware piece of software that will convert and optimize digital images, it had quite an extensive toolset and does an excellent job..
There may be other utilities similar to this but this is a good start for those who want to not have to pay for one or need one right away
direct download link:
http://irfanview.tuwien.ac.at/iview385.exe - (english)
This is a free -no-nag-no-spyware piece of software that will convert and optimize digital images, it had quite an extensive toolset and does an excellent job..
There may be other utilities similar to this but this is a good start for those who want to not have to pay for one or need one right away