A Fixture
Hey's all looking great.
This whole thread is going in my file......If you decide to "bleach"or tone down the red;I'm leaning that way myself on a revisit of my Reid bust and would appreciate a tip or two on the best way to do that without getting into too much trouble.
Looking forward seeing the finished work on a box and on my bench.....Keep it going friend..........Wayne
Hi Wayne,
Thanks mate, I'm gald this is being of some use to you.

This is the way I do mine, other people will have there own methods and mixes and you will probably find what is right for you.
My base coat for the tunics in acrylics is always Vallejo Vermillion and Reaper Clotted Red, to lighten I then use thin washes of the Vermillion first to the parts I want to lighten. Then to this I add a tip of Vallejo light orange and again very thin washes over the same areas. The final coat is the light orange on it's own and this is really thinned down, should be just like a tinged water, again built up with many washes until I get the desired effect.
Sometimes if the blending or tones need to be altered I may go over certain areas again but in oils, again using similar colours and the final layers in thinned oil glazes.
I remember on my bust I also dry brushed the creases etc this helped give it a an even more worn and toned down look.
Hope this helps, if you need anything else just ask mate.