Dear Brian
I'm sorry, that spoil the good impression and feedback on your work, but ... you've done a fine job of painting a bust. Person, fabric, all super weapon. You made a mistake and very much with the entourage of the church. This may not be the Orthodox Church. Stalin killed tens of thousands of Orthodox priests before the war, and the church was banned. I'm talking about the Orthodox religion, about Catholicism in the USSR in 1930-40 years, however. You used the Catholic crucifix, which is different from the orthodox.
1. On the Orthodox crucified Christ nailed to the cross with four nails on a Catholic - three; 2.Samoe important. Catholic Crucifix very realistic and sensual, Orthodox - is the spiritual essence of the event. On the Catholic crucified Christ depicted with sagging body in her arms, with a pained face and crown of thorns on his head, with blood and wounds. Classical Orthodox icon of the Crucifixion (Dionysius, 1500) depicts Christ - Winner, expresses his view of God's peace and glory. He's not hanging helplessly on the hands, as it were floating in the air, calling in His arms the entire universe (as indicated by both his hands, and open hands).
Orthodox iconography of the Crucifixion its final dogmatic justification was in 692 - a 82-m rule Trulskogo Cathedral. The main condition becomes a combination of historical realism realism of Divine Revelation. The figure expresses the Divine Savior peace and greatness. She seemed to be superimposed on the cross, arms outstretched and - straight. The Lord is opening its arms to all who approached him. In this iconography to solve complex problems image of two incarnations of Christ - human and divine, showing both the death and victory over her Savior
Terms of Toul Cathedral, Catholics, renounced his earlier views, was not accepted. They did not take, respectively, and symbolic of the spiritual image of Jesus Christ.
Thus arises the Middle Ages the Catholic type of crucifixion, which is dominated by becoming a purely naturalistic features of human anguish: weight on sagging rather than direct hands. The head of Jesus, crowned with thorns. Crossed feet nailed one nail - innovation of XIII century. Anatomical details of the Catholic image, conveying the truth of the execution itself, however hide the main thing - the triumph of Jesus conquered death and reveals to us eternal life, concentrating on the throes of death.
Window in your composition also belongs to the Catholic Church. Look at the window of Orthodox churches and cathedrals. They do not have such a sharp top