Interesting painting aid?


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A Fixture
Sep 11, 2013
Just came across this on a model boat site:

It looks quite interesting and I was wondering if any Planeteers have had any experience of using it and could comment on quality/usefulness etc.

They also do an intriguing bench vice/clamp/mitre thingie made by the same company which also caught my eye:

I eagerly await the flood of responses (or not....probably) ;)

Billy :)
Looks good if the figure is mounted on a block, not sure how it would work with the figure on a brass rod or something similar which I usually do. No hardship to block mount it first though. The mitre clamp thing looks good, decent price too. Being a gadget fan, I wish I hadn't seen either of these lol
As Geoff said looks a bit like the PM one in the 90's But not as good:( !! the P.M one was a kind of system clamp..Bloody exspensive from what I can recall
But very effective! block of wood , is just as effective and cheaper! ok this ones a bargain so give it a go why not!;)
Thanks for the replies folks. It seems that this is part of some type of system too Gerry, there are various attachments that, erm, it. Something that looks like the top bit of a Universal Holder, but in plastic, and also a separate handle. There are some mini clamps for the flat tool that look quite handy in their own right, like little hand-held miniature plastic vices....hmmm, that sounds a bit like a clothes peg.

Billy :)
I bought those vises some years ago. It comes with a bench and hand held vise. I also bought their gripper vise which I mounted on a metal base using a swivel ball bracket from a security camera. It is more useful than the original one.

vise 3.JPG
Thanks for the info Yellowcat (y)

So, do you recommend the Gripper Vice with your home-made attachment over the Rotopaint system? Or would the gripper vice fit onto the Rotopaint base (it looks a similar size and shape, the adaptor for it is £12+ but I'm thinking a spot of araldite would do the job just as well)?

I guess it comes down to the bases, which is better?

Billy :)
Thanks Keith, sometimes things don't have to be complicated but I am a sucker for a gadget. As it stands at the minute I'll probably end up getting the gripper vice and the Planet Work Bench as I can see myself actually using those for modelling (not just figures) and they look like quite a good investment (£32 ish). If I get the Rotopaint then I can see that gathering dust in a cupboard somewhere before long as I'd probably end up just using the handle part, and if I do that then I might as well just stick to my trusty Universal Holder (or a lump of wood).

Thanks for the input (y)

Billy :)
Hi Billy,
The Gripper vise will fit onto the Rotopaint base with the metal attachment. The Gripper vise is more useful than the Roto system. The Roto system can only grip a thin figure base where the Gripper vise can secure a block of wood. If you like you can get the Gripper vise and the attachment mounted on a metal base using a swivel ball bracket from a security camera. I am fortunate to grab hold of some camera stand while my company is updating their security system.

I think I've seen something similar at times in MicroMark's catalog, too. If it's £32 or so, that's not a bad price for a piece of equipment like that. I'm still using old caps from rattlecans as paint stands, and the odd ball of wax or two.
