Thanks to all who have commented on this subject. I also want to point out that the title of this thread should read "figure paint
ing" not "figure paint" That was my goof.
As to my original post, If you competing in a contest that have stated rules that's one thing. Also, I think that it goes without saying that someone passing off another's work as their own is despicable behavior.
What I was referring to is someone just shows you their figure or post on the forum showing their latest effort and it's looked down upon because of some item or technique that is used that others either don't use or don't know how to use. Let's face it all of use use shortcuts in one way or another. Nobody I know makes their own paint or brushes like the old masters did. Some paint with acrylic, some with oils, some with enamel. Is there a hierarchy in the type of paint you use? If you paint with oils, since that's what the old masters used, do you look down on painters using those new fandangled acrylics? Are they somehow cheating by not using techniques or tools that are not over 50 years, 75 years, 100 years or more old?
What wrong with using decals? Say you are painting a US GI in 54mm and you use a decal to represent the flag patch on their shoulder. There is no way, no matter how good a painter you are you could match the detail of a digital decal. As long as it looks like a cloth patch instead of a decal when you're finished. Why not use the new materials that are available today?
If you use pre packaged scenic material instead of scrounging through the garden or forest for these items, is this somehow cheating?
Also, how extreme do you want to go with this idea? If you don't sculpt and cast you own figures but instead use a commercially produced figure are you cheating because you're using the original sculptor's talent?
In the end, shouldn't it be about how the figure looks?
There are many members here whose work is so far ahead of mine that is I painted for another 50 years I still wouldn't be at their lever. I just don't have the God given talent that they have, but I surely don't considering them cheating by using their skill to produce the best figure they can, regardless of what medium, tools etc. they use obtain those results.