Its great to have a hobby!


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Nov 16, 2003
Stockholm (Venice of the North)
Hideliho Figureteers!

Ive been thinking over some important things. Ive had a rough time a work lately. Same old story, big workload, no resources to do the work and stupid co-workers. :(

You come home tired after working overtime merely in time to give the kids a goodnight hug. You end up in the couch in front of tv. But intstead of ending up on the sofa, Ive forced myself to go down to my workshop. Starting to do something and after a while you can actually feel how relaxing it is not to mention the fun and losing the feeling of stress. And the tiredness goes away as well.

Sometimes I tend to forget how much joy and how many experiences this hobby is giving me not to mention the different skills. And what a nice last stand it is in times of stress. Well, I guess my word of wisdom is:
-When you dont feel at all to model, you probably need it the most.

Hope Ive made some sence, at least I got it out of my system. ;)
Janne, well it's refreshing to see that stupid co-workers are all over Europe as well as here. I was beginning to think we had a monopoly! :lol:

It's good to hear you vent. And I know the exact feeling, but sometimes I just can't up the energy and end up asleep on the couch-only to feel guilty the next day at work while I am thinking about painting!

I can never force myself to paint though-never like the results!

Great post
Man I've had a sh..... week.
It is nice to have a hobby!

Of course spending too much time online appears to be another hobby!?

Have a hobby filled weekend!

Janne--interesting thread--and so relevant after the week I've had! I agree wholeheartedly. I am glad I have an outlet for my creative side, having pretty much lost my enthusiasm for trying to make it in the overly-competitive and often pretentious fine art world! I had three art shows last year and they weren't nearly as much fun as going to a model show!
Modeling keeps me sane. (I only work with two other people and they BOTH stress me out. I can't imagine having to deal with more!) Sometimes I come home and just want to drop in front of the telly, but I have found that often if I just sit at the bench & fiddle around, rearrange stuff, etc., that I soon am working on something. It gives me a 'second wind.' Many's the night I've looked at the clock and it was after midnight...

As for being online, I kinda look at it as an adjunct to my hobby, and a way for me to share my interest in it, because no one in my immediate sphere of friends models! I love the interaction & dialog with other modelers--otherwise I would be alone with it & that's no fun. I've learned some cool stuff here & have seen some beautiful work. I get as big a thrill at looking at a beautifully built & painted figure as I do looking at paintings in an art museum. There's probably those that would say that what we do isn't art, but I sure think it qualifies!

I for one am looking forward to a weekend of modeling...having finished the dreaded holiday shopping weeks ago...

GOOD POINT there,Linda (y) ! I,too,am glad to have a place to share my modelling efforts and to learn stuff,and I'm really glad to be here. Some of my fellow co-workers have never even heard of 2-part epoxy putty ;) ! Cheers.
Kenneth :lol:
I love my hobby, love my job too, after wandering from profession to profession after I left the career I really wanted through disiullisioment, I found something else to do that I really enjoy.
I suffer from stupid work colleague syndrome though on occasion I expect my work colleagues do tooo :) .

To relax I always paint or on occasion torture the kids ;)

Originally posted by Lou Masses@Dec 17 2004, 09:44 PM
Andy - it beats porn and less risk of a virus or spyware :lol:
That's why I use a Mac!!
Not that I've every visited any sites beyond modelling and eBay...

and I'm not sure if I loathe students or faculty more these days...

Ive had a rough time a work lately. Same old story, big workload, no resources to do the work and stupid co-workers.
I can certainly relate to that, although in my case it would be lazy coworkers, a sheriff and supervisors who still haven't figured out why they were voted out of office, and too many coworkers out sick. The overtime is grinding down the rest of us as we work through the final two weeks until the sheriff elect takes office. Then we face the daunting task of moving into new positions, training new people while protecting and serving the county, and preparing to move into a larger, modern facility (we are currently in the 2nd oldest working jail in the state-- over 100 years old), and learning to use new equipment.

Sometimes I tend to forget how much joy and how many experiences this hobby is giving me not to mention the different skills. And what a nice last stand it is in times of stress. Well, I guess my word of wisdom is:
-When you dont feel at all to model, you probably need it the most.
This is advice I desperately need to take! I've been so busy and tired lately that when I go into the shop I just sit, looking at unfinished pieces, and wondering when I'll feel like picking up a brush again. I've almost forgotten how painting for just 20 minutes can carry me away to another time and place. Thank you, Janne, for reminding me.

That's why I use a Mac!!
Amen (y) !!

Thanks for the support Figureteers!

Sometimes one has to vent the frustration.

I for one am looking forward to a weekend of modeling...having finished the dreaded holiday shopping weeks ago...

Hehe...that was/is my plan as well. Only got the get someting for the ol`lady from the kids. Ill be having 14 days off in a row.

Andy - it beats porn and less risk of a virus or spyware
Perhaps you havent found the right sort yet? ;)

Cheers everyone
Janne, that's great advice -- to sit down at the workbench even when you're feeling tired. I fall into that trap all too often, skipping a half-hour of painting or modeling because of the "I'm too tired" excuse.

I can't figure out people who don't have a hobby. You ask someone what they do in their spare time, and you hear, "I like going to movies and listening to music." Ummm, okay, we ALL do that! Some people I guess just don't have a passion in their lives.
I retired early and have been retired for a year now. For the many years before, I used to dream about the day I retired and could just paint. I hoarded kits away for years with the intention of doing them when I retired. Well the time has arrived and I have enjoyed being able to get up in the morning, have my coffee at my figure desk and plan out the day of what I want to accomplish. I will say that even having all day to paint, I do have days that I don't touch a brush. My figure desk is accross the room from the puter desk and I spend more time there than painting. Alot of the kits mentioned in the other thread I have in my closet. Like Geofft, I went through the closet and thinned out the kits I knew I would never paint. Now is the time for me!
You, happy hobbyists, give a thought to the poor individual condemned to spend all his day (and night) slaving on undefined shapes of putty and ruining his eyesight over the odd elusive brushmark when he's not busy wading in polyurethane shavings and breathing silicon fumes. :(

It's great to have a hobby, indeed. When you have one! :lol: :lol:

Q. direct from the resin pit
You know, this hobby does seem a little strange to some, but those of us who get such pleasure and satisfaction from it feel really blessed to have stumbled into it. At the office where I work, everyone is so into the hustle and bustle to office life, that few have time to do much else. I tiold a guy I worked with a few years ago that the last thing I want on my tombstone was "He was a really good office worker". I'll gladly settle for "He was a pretty good modeler" instead!

Bill, I've often said similar to co workers. "You guys don't seem to understand. I come here because I have to in order to make money so I can enjoy life. The day this becomes the primary reason for living is the day, you'll see me jump off a bridge."