WIP Critique J.B.Tito


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Thx !
Had no time to work more, so it is stalled at the moment.
But I tried technique that our friend Gaudin suggested (polishing using Johnson baby oil), and I want to thank him for great tip - I love it !!!
I trimed a volume from the back of the head, but from this pics it seems I need to trim some more:










Crits welcome !

think it's good to think already about the position of the head on the torso.
He has some meat under his chin that creates also volume.
The position, tilted forward or slightly turned will affect this section too.

for the rest, more subtile ears.
the shapes and their transitions are greatly done, nice work!

Thx Rene !
Nose and ears are still rough, more work is needed there.
You wery well noticed some skin/meat under the chin, but also I think that the jaw bone is too wide, and too much meat on the cheek bones...now I really need to overlap images of the sculpt and actual face - unfortunatelly there is not so many useful pics from the WWII...
good work mate, work that nose, the nostrils or nose wings of tito were very small and round pointed nose, I dout his neck muscles were that visible, you are in the right track(y)
Thx Antonio, Offo...
Antonio: neck muscles are more like "placeholder" right now, just "slapped" some clay, part under the head needs much more work...

BTW: any tip how to harden the super sculpey to work with ears ? Fridge will do ?
If hardening is what you have in mind let the bust alone for long time, the sculpey loses some stretch and even hardens a little bit.

If your goal is making nice ears, maybe build them up in layers?
You an also add some more clay behind the ear that you remove afterwards..

handy tip....work out one ear perfectly, put it in front of mirror and you can copy other ear exactely at the other side.
For anything else, put some holes in the skull for the deeper sections of the ear, looks more natural.
think you are close.

only some volume matters, maybe eyes smaller ( will give him more massive face)

try to add haircut as you notice, will make it easier for you. And reduce nostrills.

my compilation for you :)





Thx Rene !!! Really apreciate this !!!
And I have an "official" title for this bust and it is :

"Bill Gates nikad nije rekao 'Prozor noćas mora pasti'..."

or in English: "Bill gates never said 'Prozor (window) has to fall tonight'.."

It is funny storry, I asked my son if he knows who said the famous sentence:
"Prozor noćas mora pasti", and he answered :

Bill Gates ??? :lol:
Yes, this is the look I want, belt over the right shoulder and the leash around neck (I think that the gun hung on it - might be his Luger...)
ok ok, focus on the face...must be more edgy then.

try to sketch some harder lines and don't even think of polishing ( be aggresive).

add the hairvolume under the cap and reduce the ears a bit.
This face is a palet of live!

Guys dont you think his neck is too thick ? Unless you work from a pic I havent seen - it looks like goitre, seems too much of double chin, especially for a younger guy?
I worked from few different pics, have only one that shows clear profile, and on that pic he is much older - so you are right - I already removed some of double chin, and will remove some mass from the neck. Right now I'm trimming the nose which looks too wide...

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