@ Brian - that's coming along great my friend. You have a style all of your own and instantly recognisable as a "Smudger", I really admire the way you are able to achieve a grimy & battle-stained appearance on your pieces without it looking overdone or an afterthought. I'm guessing this one will be accompanying you to Folkestone next month?
@ Terry - Welcome to pF! In reply to your question, all I can say is "how long's a piece of string?!" Same as with any model, it depends on a variety of things: degree of difficulty, number of hours actually sat at the bench, motivation, unforeseen snags, loss of interest, whether you're happy with it as you go along and don't decide to strip it all down and start again. Etc. etc. I recently completed one inside a week, start to finish. But I have had a couple of others on the go for over a year that are only now nearing the finish line. And I'm the same as you with acrylics - I use them to basecoat, but try as I might (and God knows I've tried!) I just can't get the hang of all this "multiple layering" malarkey. So I stick to oils for the rest.
- Steve