Attached are some images of a Japanese Cavalry Officer that I had sculpted. It's almost finished except the cuff details. Scale is 54mm and material used is magic sculpt
Vinnie! First, welcome to the site, amigo! At least this is the first time I've seen you here. Talk about a really good subject. Sometime, I'd like to learn about your sculpting technique.
Glad that you are here!
Your work is awesome...and the ripple effect from introducing him will be huge! I can't wait to see this guy painted up. Can't wait to see the in progress piece; will you be doing an article on him?
All the best,
Vince I am so glad you did this piece. I must have it and I encourage you to consider some more pieces from this period as it is something I am extremely interested in.
Thanks for the kind words! Well, it might be something rare and that's Alpha Image is for These dudes had sheded their samurai do-maru and kabutos and go modernize at this period and is at the time of the Golden Years of Meiji Reform and Russo-Japanese War. The uniform should be very colourful with blue jacket and red trousers with touches of green detail on the uniform, then you have the brown leather holster and binocular case.
Glad you like it as I was concerned if the subject matter is too obscure and nobody would be interested in painting it
Well, I think the period from around 1870 to early nineteen hundreds is very interesting for Japanese subjects. I have been reading about the Russo-Japanese war recently and have some ideas. Since the Samurai thing has been done quite extensively this is very refreshing.
Actually I'd lots of uniform info about the period, a by-product when I am researching the samurai stuff in the past three years ( Cavalry, army and navy ). May be I can come with some more of the Japs in this period Anyway, I might start my own line of samurai later on this year too
Thanks and yes, this will be one of the next releases of Alpha Image.