i occasionally use that AK product as well, but somewhat of a “last resort”. Overcoats like that, of the AK product, Dullcoat and others, seems to mute the highlighting and shading of the paint underneath. That’s why I try to avoid using them unless really necessary.Kurt,
Many thanks for such a quick reply and certainly not 'long winded'. It has helped and that is what I had progreesed to. On a centurion's cloak which was too 'glossy' when the oils [for blending the folds] had dried, I took a Faversham MMG friend's advice and sprayed a very light coat of AK Ultra Matte varnish over the area [which I had masked off], it worked. I'll dig some photos out, and if you are OK with it, I'll 'post' them them later to show the result?
Grateful thanks,