Hi Milan,
What did it mean: I'm only a painter? If you have an historical interest putting this question, it's already a good sign, you are not only a painter. By the painting or the sculpting of figures, you must entry in the history. I believe it's more interesting to know what man you have in your hands, his life, his death, his uniform, not only give some touches of brush and colour, ok?
Having done to Maurizio the historical research for the two figures of Espagne and Nansouty, I can give you the answer. Yes, the two men dress the same uniform, being both generals of division of Cuirassiers. This means that these generals had the command of a division (two brigades of two regiments each, total four regiments of cavaliers). Another famous general of Cuirassiers using a similar uniform was for example D'Hautpoul. Espagne was also charged to study a project for a new cuirass and helmet for generals of heavy cavalry, never ended. During the campaign of Russia in 1812, Nansouty had the command of the first Corps of Cavalry, three Divisions of mixed Cavalry, the Heavy C. formed by Cuirassiers and Carabiniers, and the Light C, formed by regiments of Hussars, Chasseurs and Lancers. These great generals of Heavy Cavalry often kept the bicorn hat, instead to use the helmet, to distinguish themselves from the other officers with the helmet.
Best regards