Well-Known Member
I know the seller has a good relationship with Jeff Shiu Miniatures so i am confident it's a legit copy.. As you know i won't tolerate recasts in my collection..It might be worth an email to Jeff asking if he numbered them or not. He's good at responding to questions.
I totally agree, if the kit proves popular and it's sensibly priced the manufacturer should expect most of the sales. I'm sure those who buy recasts do it because A.) they cannot afford originals or B.) the figure is no longer available.If it's a kit that sold well, they would no doubt, already have a market of people who would've liked it...plus could now get it for a lesser price.
In the case of the S&T line the original owners must have missed out on a small fortune as that line must be the most heavily re-casted line ever, each and every time an original pops up it's snapped up straight away so that would sort of suggest theres still demand for them..
If the owners of the masters are reading this i'll buy them..