I've been plodding along with this as a bit of a side piece. The groundwork is all scratch, coffee stirrers, electrical flex, with Milliput sandbags. The left hands been consumed in the void that is my bench, I've got a new one on order.
I like him very much Carl. These blue French uniforms look so great and this one is no exception. Kind of hilarious about the bench eating his left hand.
Thanks for having a peep. The blue is Field Blue 964 out of the bottle, highs Ivory 918 and shaded with
Panzer Aces German tank crew 333. I used a touch of Tamiya X21, as the blues a notorious shiner.
Thanks again folks.
Ron, it will be at S&L hand permitting.
Jay, the wall is plastic card box. With the front formed from wooden coffee stirrers, Milliput sandbags, then topped with cat litter and white glue. So to answer your question, it's a free standing box.
Thanks again folks. This is nearly finished now apart from the absent hand.
The floating feet will go when it glued to the base.
I've included some brutal close ups so I can see where my painting needs touching up.