July 23, 1951


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Martin Antonenko

A Fixture
Jul 11, 2008
SS General Jürgen Stroop Becomes
Sentenced to Death For The Second Time

On July 23, 1951, a Polish court in Warsaw convicted Jürgen Stroop, who had been an SS-Gruppenführer and Generalleutnant der Waffen SS und Polizei ...

... to death on the gallows!

It is the second death sentence against Stroop.

The SS leader became known for his absolutely ruthless suppression of the uprising in the Jewish ghetto of Warsaw - established by the Nazis:

In 1943 around 600 members of the so-called "Jewish Fighting Organization" (Polish: Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa, ŻOB) armed with a few weapons and Molotov cocktails rose up against their German executioners with the courage of desperation in order to have the residential area evacuated and the residents to be evacuated to prevent the Treblinka and Majdanek extermination camps.

SS, Wehrmacht and police units (around 2,000 men with tanks and artillery) personally led by Stroop brutally suppressed the uprising - over 17,000 people died in the ghetto.

The following picture shows Stroop (wearing dust goggles and field cap) during the interrogation of survivors of the ŻOB. In front of him is the SS-Obergruppenführer and General der Waffen-SS Maximlilian von Herff, who was on site as "observer" on behalf of the Reich Security Main Office ...:

After the desperate resistance of the residents was put down after four weeks, Stroop arranged for 42,000 survivors to be transported to the Vernichtungslager Majdanek (= "extermination camp"), 7,000 were deported to Treblinka, also a so-called "Vernichtungslager" ...:

Virtually all of them were left in the camps.

After the suppression of the uprising, Stroop triumphantly telegraphed to his superior office:

"There is no longer a Jewish residential district in Warsaw."
A special sheet of jewelry was specially made for his telegram...:

On May 8, 1945, the day the "Großdeutsches Reich" surrendered, US forces arrested Stroop near Wiesbaden, where he last worked as "Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer" (=Higher SS and Police Leader/HSSPF) "Rhein-Westmark".

The arrest was originally made on the basis of numerous so-called "Fliegermorde" (= killing of Allied airmen) in which Stroop was involved.

("Fliegermorde" or "airmen killings" refer to the murder of Allied aircraft crew members whose planes were shot down or damaged and who then jumped off with a parachute. In many cases they were killed by the SS (or Wehrmacht) on the spot, or "justly" People's anger disclosed:

They were forced to march through a nearby village or town where there had previously been casualties from aerial bombs - and then deliberately looked away when the residents expressed their anger on the defenseless, some of whom were lynched or beaten to death.)

The murders of Allied aviators were - even if this is often denied today - ordered "from above" ...:

On the day of the Allied invasion of Normandy (June 6, 1944), Hermann Göring, Joachim von Ribbentrop as well as Heinrich Himmler and his Adlatus Ernst Kaltenbrunner, head of the Reich Security Main Office, agreed in Kleßheim, Austria, that "lynching should be the rule" for enemy airmen. Kaltenbrunner declared himself ready to ensure the "handover to the SD for Sonderbehandlung" (= "special treatment", read: murder).

The Wehrmacht did not want to be inferior: In a secret order, the High Command prohibited soldiers from opposing the population if they were "in justified indignation about Anglo-American terrorist aviators to self-help".

SS chief Himmler had previously decreed that Germans "who behave in an undignified manner out of bad intent or misunderstood compassion for captured airmen" should be punished with "imprisonment in a concentration camp" or at least with "protective custody not less than 14 days" - him had heard that in some places trapped pilots were being treated kindly by the civilian population.

There are plenty of documents to prove such tolerated lynching!

It was only during the investigation about the "Fliegermorde" that Stroop's main role at Warsaw 1943 came out.

He was sentenced to death by hanging by a US military tribunal on March 21, 1947 for his involvement in the murder of Allied airmen.

However, the judgment was not carried out, but the Americans deliver Stroop to Poland ...

... where he receives a second death sentence for his role at Warsaw ...:

Stroop died on March 6, 1952 at around 7:00 p.m. - and I am particularly pleased to write that! - in the Warsaw prison Mokotów on the gallows!

Some iconic photos there Martin. The one with the small boy is most often cropped to show just him, but the full picture is equally poignant. We tend to think (and hope) that all those Polizei, SD and SS soldiers in these pics somehow got their just desserts, but I'd guess a lot slipped through the net and ended up living "normal" lives post-war.

a lot slipped through the net and ended up living "normal"

The very most of them!

One of the most famous is SS-Obersturmführer Wernher von Braun, who constructed and built the "V2"-Missile for Hitler and his mob.

For the US-Americans, the use of his knowledge was more important than the prosecution of his crimes! The "V2" is the only weapon in history whose production (by concentration camp prisoners) resulted in more people being tortured to death than were killed in use.

SS-Obersturmführer von Braun is probably the only SS officer to whom Hitler AND Kennedy shook hands ...


The CID even cleaned the German archives! This is the only photo that they overlooked and shows von Braun in his SS uniform ...:

Just for the record - the pictures of the execution show the hanging of Rudolf Hoess - commander of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The SS soldiers in the picture of the arrest of victims somewhere in the Warsaw Ghetto with the little boy in the foreground show Josef Bloesche (with Bergmann MP) who did not escape his fate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Blösche and in the background an NCO who was shot during these events - a former drill instructor of one of my ancestors...)
I forgot Herr von Braun's SS rank. I'm sure the Soviets must have got their hands on a few who proved "useful" too. And us... War crimes don't count for much if the perpetrators have some "value" to the big players.
