WIP KGL - La Haye-Sante - Waterloo 1815


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Hello Brian. I too have this one on my table to paint. However, the pose has so much action and feeling, I felt that he needed to be displayed differently than just attaching him to the plinth and then to a base. So when I saw your Hougomont display, I decided to do something similar for my 5th KGL bust at La Haye Sainte. I am currently doing my research on the farm. Never having built any structures from scratch before, I am in new territory and feeling out of my comfort zone. One learns not only by trying, but by learning from others, so I will be following your progress with great interest.
Many thanks mate for your kind coments,I too have felt the same about displaying busts on their own,I like to add something to help tell the story.
I am still in the drawing phase with regards to the backdrop for my bust,it needs some careful planning before I start construction.
My advice to you would be not to get to hung up on your first project,give yourself plenty of time and plan it well,the planning you put in at this stage will pay off enormously and will be worth it in the end,I look forward to seeing your piece soon (y)
Oi!, Brian, give me a break, mate......I'm spending yet more time on your prog reports and SBS's, and poor old Marshal Ney's getting neglected. Right, bu*****ng off now to get some paint on his saddlecloth!
Your KGL chap ; another good'un, I'll warrant(y)

Oi!, Brian, give me a break, mate......I'm spending yet more time on your prog reports and SBS's, and poor old Marshal Ney's getting neglected. Right, bu*****ng off now to get some paint on his saddlecloth!
Your KGL chap ; another good'un, I'll warrant(y)

:) :),is that the Alexandros Ney you're doing ?
No,no, .. The first Legion one (54/60 mm), but as they included the wrong head:censored: ( don't get me started!) , I'm converting a Historex, and using a very beefed-up Historex nag, as I didn't like the Fist Legion's stance. Much frigging around, but he'll eventually look how I want him to look. Why get the FL one in the first place? 'Cos I thought it might be suitable. We live and learn.....:meh:
