Thanks, guys. I'm continuing with some of the design work. This time I returned to the knight's banner. A while back I did the left side. I wanted to do a subtle background pattern on the banner but, since I wasn't sure how to do it or how it would turn out, I only did one side as a test. With the figure almost finished I had to get back and finish off the other side of the banner. Until a couple days ago, the unfinished side just had the shadows and highlights sketched on.
The first step was to blend highlights and shadows for the background. Just like the cape and shield, I used bone shadow, weathered stone, and leather white. Because I planned on putting a white pattern on top of a white background, I kept the highlights a bit darker and never went up to pure leather white. Next I painted on the cross pattern, trying to keep the location the same as the other side. This looked pretty rough at first, but I used the background color to clean up the edges, straighten lines, and thin down some of the finer details. Now we get to the complicated part, that subtle pattern. As with the first side, I began by measuring out the spacing and placing a small white dot at the top and bottom four lines apart. Then by eye I could place a dot right in the middle of any two, and then subdivide it again. This gave me all the places where the diagonal lines should hit the top and bottom of the banner. From there it was just the slow careful task of painting in the lines. When I finished a big enough section I went in and added the small dashes along the sides of each diamond.
I'm still working on the bottom section. My spacing got a bit off, so I'm going to paint over a bit and redo it before continuing on with the rest. Then I'll use some glazes to help shade the pattern and tie it all together.
I also did some more detail work on the horse and rider. With the cape finished I could attach the flowing cloth to the back of the knight's head (it would have been in my way as I did the pattern up the shoulder). I also attached and painted the horse's reins. I still have to do the horses hooves and tail (plus some tweaks here and there), but the main figure is almost complete. After I do that and finish the banner, it's just the base and then weathering. If all goes well, I may get this wrapped up this weekend. A mere 15 months after I began the project!