WIP Critique Knight of the Holy Sepulchre Part 2


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Absolutely stunning piece! Love it!
Can't wait this to see it weathered and with groundwork done!
A real pleasure to follow your work! (y)
Zeno :)
Everything coming together beautifully. All the detail and freehand work is fantastic. Good groundwork will give this awesome figure a strong "base".

Great work

Thanks, Dan, Derek, Pedro, Zeno, and Colin!

I'm waiting on some plant fibers to arrive in the mail to do the vegetation on the base, but I've done most of the weathering on the figure. It's an arid environment, so I didn't want to go overboard with the weathering. I created a little bit of mud (pigment + matte medium) and caked some on his feet, under the horses hooves, and a touch on the shield. I did a lot more with just dry pigments for that dusty dirty look, hitting the end of his cape and bottom of his clothing, his legs and shield, the horses legs, and the ground itself. Then I added a little bit of blood on his shield and some drops on his cloak. I did not want to do too much, just enough dust and dirt to ground the figure in reality. My order from Red Lancers should arrive later this week and then I can put the finished touches on the figure.

What do you all think? Is there anything this figure still needs?

Love how you weathered all the elements!
The only suggestion that I have is to have a look at the horse hooves and lower part of the legs. The rider has the legs pretty strong weathered. Have a look at these two elements. The terrain is dry/dusty and I think it should be reflected a little bit stronger on the horse lower part of the legs. Have a look and I'm sure you'll find the balance.
What about the arrows? Are you going to use them in the final display?
Great SBS and I would like to thank you again for sharing it with us!
Cheers and keep us posted!
Zeno :)
Thanks, Zeno. Good point. I didn't want to do too much weathering on the horse, but looks like I played it too safe. I will go in and add a bit more to his legs.

I didn't like the arrows I made, the shafts were too thick for the scale and the fake feathers did not look good enough. I got a smaller rod that could work better and found a tutorial about making feathers for miniature arrows using real feathers, so I picked up some of those too. So I'm remaking them and, if it works out, I'll add them back when I put in the sparse vegetation.
It looks phenomenal Bailey. I understand... I find it hard to weather a fig. After all the work painting it up, it really hurts to go ahead and throw mud on it. If that's hard for me, it must kill you because your stuff is ten times better than mine :cautious: I wouldn't dirty your stuff either.
