A Fixture
Hello folks,
While i am finishing the mounted figure in 40mm i decided to rescue this corporal of fusiliers of 1791 i have started i believe early in the year or last year lol.
I came across this interesting uniform of the black Legion formed by the émigreé Vicomte de Mirabeau exiled in 1790.
He raised this Legion to counter the extreme revolutionaire tide.
Unlike his Brother the great orator of the Revolution, the vicomte was a very conservative Royalist.
The uniform was in the traditional french cut, black with dark sky blue vest, pants , turnbacks, collar, cuffs and lapels.
Some sources showed white traditional pants as well.
I have repainted the almost finished white coat in a base color of vallejo german grey, and the base sky blue from scale 75.
While i am finishing the mounted figure in 40mm i decided to rescue this corporal of fusiliers of 1791 i have started i believe early in the year or last year lol.
I came across this interesting uniform of the black Legion formed by the émigreé Vicomte de Mirabeau exiled in 1790.
He raised this Legion to counter the extreme revolutionaire tide.
Unlike his Brother the great orator of the Revolution, the vicomte was a very conservative Royalist.
The uniform was in the traditional french cut, black with dark sky blue vest, pants , turnbacks, collar, cuffs and lapels.
Some sources showed white traditional pants as well.
I have repainted the almost finished white coat in a base color of vallejo german grey, and the base sky blue from scale 75.