Brian, I have the impression that is leaning to his left. Maybe is just the photo. It's worth checking because is very nice painted. The complementary colours do the trick and that fur is the cherry on the pie.
Not that it matters much, but I don't think of this one as a Landsknecht. For me he's
an Italian mercenary - a Condottiere - of the Castro Wars around 1640-ish. When the
prone figure is in place, a distinct narrative is established of two reprobates disagreeing
over money. The base has the inscription 'tu mea sola socium' - you are my only partner.
But, as I said, it doesn't really matter - just thought I'd mention it.
Very nice Brian. It is a pity that there are no more photographs and higher resolution. And more sharper. Otherwise, it looks really nice.
Cheers Borek.
Interesting. The Castro Wars practically coincided with the ECW, so we may assume that weapon and soldiers' outfit would be roughly the same. But do not the figure's garment and sword look too archaic for the 1640s?
It is true that the figure was intended for a vignette with the landsknecht stepping on his opponent. But I think this solo version works better because he is looking straight ahead whereas in the vignette it would be logical for him to look at the opponent who is still kicking. And Brian did full justice to this excellent figure.